A Thorn In My Side

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I was trying to get Phyllis to hire me. She owes me big time. She was fired from her position at her company after signing the deal to cover all her debts. So I don't see where GEH would hire me after what I did to Roz. She found me and Connor having sex with Phyllis. Phyllis tried to say it was my idea and Roz actually believed her and she didn't want to hear or see any of us ever again. She loved Phyllis warts and all. But cheating was a hard limit. I guess she didn't forgive or forget, but with Connor being the new wife's of Mr Grey choice to run the Sterling company he chose to listen to his wife. Roz must have had a hard time with that decision. In the long run money wise and ability he was the best choice to run the company until it was rebranded to GEH. Roz won't tell me anything at all. Not only did I screw her girlfriend I stole documents to get my VP position I am in right now. She could have had me arrested for corporate espionage but didn't. She took a huge hit, but shortly afterward the deals didn't hold water and my company lost big time. I chose documents on companies GEH were not going to get into. They were losing money on everything including embezzlement. The owners signed deals and got paid and then emptied their coffers. My company took major losses and they fired me just before I could retire and be arrested. Luckily I can't be arrested because Roz doesn't want to go to trial and expose herself and GEH for being careless with confidential files. Evie is another thorn in Roz's side regarding me. She was starting to date again and Evie was dating her and then just stopped and started dating me. I still don't know why and I don't bother asking her anymore. She lives with me now and that's all I care about. Here I am giving this woman a ride home and I am thinking if all this while driving to her home, a place I know by heart.

I tell Gwen I ran into Cameron and saw Evie working at Sterling company. I tell her that she was questioning why I was in the Sterling building and I asked what she was doing there? She was looking to change jobs and I laughed and left her standing in the lobby. I am so glad I was adopted and not truly blood related. She might still legally be my sister and all that implies, we will never get that back because of all her actions that hurt me. I think she did it to hurt me intentionally. Gwen hugs me and we go look at our beautiful sleeping children. We are on number three now. Then the fourth one a year later. They will keep her very busy. I think she will be overwhelmed, but so far she has everything under control. We finally go to bed and I make love to my beautiful wife. My rebound from the rebound girl. She at first thought my baggage was too much for her to handle. She soon found herself attracted to me and we couldn't stop seeing each other. Cameron tried to break us up and Gwen pretty much told her to get back on her broom and stay in Oz.

I soothe Roz and she tells me what occurred in New York that had her rattled. Once she got it all out she felt so much better. I take and show her our two beautiful babies and she loves them both so much and she rubs my baby bump and we go make love all night long. That is why I love Roz so much she sees what she has at home and home us her safe space now after all the years in foster care and being tormented by Cameron. It is a simple case of Cameron being jealous of Roz. I am glad Phyllis didn't try anything with Roz. Roz said that she went in with guns blazing and all Phyllis could ask was where was Christian and she would only do business with him. She gave her a choice sign the deal or watch everything be sold at a bankruptcy auction. She signed when Roz started to leave the office. I know it was hard for her.

Roz had a hard time in New York and she won't tell me about it, so I leave it alone for now. I think Anastasia knows but was sworn into keeping it a secret. I know there is no love lost between Phyllis and Roz, but there is more to it and I am sure of it. I hold Ella in my arms as Teddy plays with her toes. He loves his baby sister. I love my wife and children. Roz and Gwen are very happily married and number three is on it's way. Mia had her triplets and is trying to get back in shape. Ethan doesn't mind her tummy, after all she gave him three identical boys. Very healthy ones as well. Eamon and Enid are proud as peacocks and so are my mom and dad as well. They take turns watching the boys and somehow they end up together wherever the boys are. I hired them help for their boys.

Christian coming back was the best thing to do and the right thing to do. Roz took the bull by the horns and buried some very painful memories in taking over the completion of the Sterling deal. She terminated Phyllis as soon as the deal was signed sealed and delivered. Christian knows that something went down between Roz and Phyllis but he doesn't know what. He asked once and Roz told him to mind his own business and he did from that point on. He listens to her if she wants to chat, it took a lot of discussing for us to get to the point where we decided that Christian would donate sperm so Roz and Gwen could have babies. Two with Roz eggs and two with Gwen's eggs. They are working on number three now. I am happy with my two right now. My projects and my company has grown and I have been working from home and I hired a few people to run the company while I am gone. A lot of checks and balances are in place to assure no one steals from me. I check the number daily. Barney and I set up a way to find out if anything is amiss. It flags the issue and holds the transaction until I physically authorize it. Had two thieves fired because they had flagged items and couldn't produce said items or bill for services. I am very glad they fired Phyllis because she was trying to bed my husband.

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