No More Trust Fund

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I really need to teach Kate a lesson and one is to stand on her own two feet. I am going to take her trust fund away until she gets married and then I'll have to think about it. Enid thinks we should hand over her trust fund to Penny. That definitely would teach her a lesson and I am thinking about it. I have stopped her from getting any of it for now. She is working at the newspaper now. We are putting her through college. Ethan is nearly through college and she just started college. At 18 she is a mess. She has a very bad reputation. She has been told that we will throw her out of the house if she doesn't straighten up. We insisted in seeing her grades on everything, as long as she keeps her grades up and does her job as well we will let her stay at the house. She can't have male friends and no married men either. We have told her we are thinking about giving her trust fund to Penny and if she follows our rules we might give her half of it after she graduates from college. I tell her that one step out of line and all of it goes to Penny.

I agree with Eamon's punishment of Kate. She needs to learn her lesson and her trust fund and her future is in her own hands she decides her fate if she doesn't follow our rules. It seems harsh, but it is needed to get her back on track for her life. If we keep her busy enough she will be too tired to screw this up. We already gave half the trust fund to Penny and she put it in a trust fund for her children. We apologized for our daughters poor behavior. We found out so much when we spoke to Penny and we were numb by the time we heard everything. I demanded Kate get tested for AIDS and all STDs and she got her shot updated. We had a talk to Ethan as well. He is being careful and he doesn't screw around with married women. He suspected Kate and George were having an affair and told her to cut it out, but she denied they were.

I got an earful from Kate about half her trust fund going to Penny and I told her that if she breaks up another marriage she might lose the other half of her trust fund. She went pale after that and hadn't even thought about it, she of course asked our parents and they told her that's a possibility. They told her to follow the rules they set down and that won't happen. She bought some sex toys so she doesn't get tempted.

I look at the rules and the agreement that I was forced to sign and I keep it on my mirror. I lost half of my trust fund to Penny because I broke up her marriage. Now if I don't follow the rules I won't get the other half of my trust fund and I will be thrown out of my parents home. If I follow them, my college is paid for, I get the rest of my trust fund. I have to get great grades and work at Kavanagh Media. Fun and games are over. I bought a few sex toys and a lot of batteries. Ethan laughed when he saw the bag, he apparently knows the place.

I knew Kate's parents had no idea about Kate and George, they handed me half of Kate's trust fund to teach her a lesson. I set a trust fund for the boys with it. George is still working at Kavanagh Media and his child support comes straight out of his check. I thanked them and they told me about the rules they set down to insure she behaves herself. Her education and the other half of her trust fund is at stake. I thank them and wish them luck with her in the future.

I am living in a one bedroom house and still have my car, but I got 25% of the assets we shared, except the house and her SUV. Child support is taken out of my check every week. I can't see Kate again if I want to keep my job and the same goes for her. So we avoid each other at all costs. I get to see my boys and they are doing great.

I have insisted on the Kavanagh's keep Kate away from my family from now on. After her releasing photos of Anastasia and I expect punishment of some kind. Then the pictures of her with a married man that broke up a marriage gave me an idea. I planted the seed to Eamon and implied I would be unhappy if he did complete the idea. It was kind of Anastasia who thought losing her trust fund and setting up rules to get her to complete her education. I also encouraged them to keep her so busy she couldn't do these things again. Plus insist her grades be higher than they are now. The rest of the rules they came up with were pretty good. It gets Kate out of our business and assures she learns to be a journalist with integrity. I am hoping Kate is not so stupid as to cut her nose off her own face.

After thinking everything through, I just know after me getting that photo he saw a chance to assure my demise at my own hands if I did play by the rules that others do. Rules of morality. Men can do a lot and walk away women not so much. But I am stuck and have no choice in the matter. I am already battle worn and the battle hasn't started. I am my own worst enemy and not just now.

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