Days Numbered

46 3 2

I am just waiting here and I have no choice but to wait for the charges to be brought. I guess life is life in any of the states that I have escaped prosecution. At least I thought I had, but they went through the trials and I was found guilty of all charges. So putting someone down is not going to change my time in prison. I am going to be careful how I do this, but I am going to put Debra down.

I definitely have to watch my back in here now. I was found guilty of so many charges, no bail allowed and no parole at all. They keep reminding me that I hurt minors and tried to kill a minor. I keep reminding them that she destroyed lives and needs destroyed. I find myself alone and I am very worried and look for something to protect me from Elena. I then realize she is an old woman compared to me. So I wait and watch as she walks slowly towards me. The smile is fake, but the eyes are evil. I am ready and waiting for the outcome whatever it might be. Her fingernails are to be feared, but so are mine. I think of what Anastasia did to knock me off my feet and I do just that and she is on the ground and I grab the thing she has in her hand and shove it into her chest. I push it deeper, but she brings out another and shoves it into my carotid artery. There is no coming back from this so I cut her carotid as well. Blackness overtakes me.

I get closer to Debra smiling at her, but I see it, she knows and she is ready for me somehow. Suddenly she kicks my legs out from underneath me. I pull out the first shiv and try to get her, but she shoves it into my lung and keeps pushing it in. I pull the other shiv and cut her carotid artery and she is gushing blood but somehow she grabs the shiv and cuts my carotid artery and I see black as she falls onto me shoving the other shiv deeper into my lung, I am seeing things with red eyes coming at me. The pain is excruciating.

Seattle Nooz
Today news of Elena Lincoln's death after an attack between her and a fellow prisoner. Debra Taylor died during the attack on Elena Lincoln. We will keep you up to date on this story as we get more.

Kavanagh News
Apparently Elena Lincoln was the attacker and was killed by her victim even though the victim was dying from her own wounds. Debra Taylor was the person Elena attacked. Both bodies were found dead from loss of blood due to injuries. Nothing could be done for either to resuscitate.

I really don't want to, but Debra is Sophie's biological mother so I start thinking of making arrangements for a funeral. I call her in and ask her what she wants done and she looks at me and tells me that Anastasia has paid for the whole thing and she allowed her to do it. They went and picked out everything and had her cremated and her ashes are in the wind just like she was when it came to being a real mother. I held her and let her cry and she said she lost her on the day she was born, just like Anastasia except her mother had no choice leaving Anastasia. Sophie and Anastasia had always had a close connection. Age was not an issue when it came them being friends. We keep forgetting how young she is, until she has a mini tantrum. Sometimes you have to stop even geniuses from doing things because the law prohibits them. After reading the law she calmed down and apologized and said the law needs changed and said she would look into getting the law changed. She is 15 now and wants to learn to drive.

I am so glad we don't have to go through a funeral for Debra and Sophie and Anastasia saved us from dealing with it. I know Sophie is sad about her mother's death but she made her own bed. Jason is surprised she had been killed before now. She had a lot of enemies and that was why we finally got full custody of Sophie. Debra was deemed unfit finally and we had to rescue the poor child so many times. Debra tried to cause trouble and have Anastasia taken away from us, Carrick Grey stepped in to stop Debra and he did. I don't know what he said but it put a stop to what she was doing and the caseworker apologized to us.

I paid for a cremation for Elena and had the ashes thrown in the garbage. A fitting end if you ask me. I made a huge mistake and somehow ended up in a quickie marriage in Vegas after a couple drinks, I don't recall getting married to her at all. But found out it was all legal. I moved her into my house and she started taking over right away. We had been married two years and I was away for business and we agreed to get foster children. She wanted teens but we would accept a young child if need be. So our first child turned out to be Anastasia a little genius. I regret that I didn't throw Elena out and keep the child in my home. But I know she has a better home and that is what she needed. I am now married and have three children of our own and we adopted two more. I was never at fault for the abuse Anastasia suffered, but I blame myself for not seeing Elena for her true nature. I found out that she had drugged me and bribed an unscrupulous friend of hers to perform a ceremony and forged my handwriting on the marriage certificate.

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