Life Goes On

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Gia was found mentally sound and she will be pending a lot of time behind bars to think about her actions. She had tried to get to me, but I had too many people around me for her to get to me. She never got close enough to alert my security team. But she knew my schedule. She apparently had planned things out carefully and she just couldn't get past Carlyle and his security teams he had on me. The one on Ethan wasn't allowed in the room with the patients present. Otherwise they would have stopped her from stabbing Ethan or hurting the other doctor. They found her guilty and she was found guilty of stalking us. Then assault with intention of killing Ethan and the other doctor. She had plans of killing me and it changed when Ethan stopped treating her and introduced her new doctor. It definitely did not go well.

I can't believe that I was just going to try to break his marriage up by getting him to see me every chance I could and on holidays and weekends and he had had it with me and was pushing me off onto another doctor. I lost it and attacked Ethan and the other doctor tried to stop me so I hurt him too. Now I was found guilty of all charges, I watched as testimony about me being obsessed with Ethan since I met him was true. I didn't lie about it. They had evidence of my stalking and I was good at it, so good in fact no one noticed me. I tried to get Mia out if the picture before they started dating each other. I was shocked that they would after what Kate did. Then even more shocked when they got married. After that I tried to see her, but I wasn't allowed to because of the threats to her life. There were definitely threats and some were mine. They found that out when they searched my apartment. They hadn't found out anything until I stabbed Ethan and hurt his colleague.

I am finally back to work and my patients are glad to see me in person rather than over the internet. I explained that they are going to be talking to the on call psychiatrist if they have an emergency from now on. If it requires my being there I will be there, but otherwise they will need to talk to the on call psychiatrists. I feel better now that Gia is in prison, especially after seeing what they found in her apartment.

I definitely don't like jail, but I am here for a while and I need to make people think I am crazy. They started as soon as they saw me and I have to watch my back. I can't file an appeal because I don't have the money and no public defender will file one because it would be wasted time. So I have to deal with getting punched in the stomach regularly. I finally ended up in the infirmary and in an ambulance to get operated on. After I woke up they explained that the repeated beating had caused internal bleeding and they had to remove my fallopian tubes and ovaries along with my spleen. They had to repair areas of my digestive system. I have a colostomy bag temporarily. It is very disgusting. Guards are always around. Too bad they weren't there to stop me getting beaten.

Mia and I were given a break and we took advantage of it and left the kids with the family. We are flying to her brothers island and staying in the guest house. We will be gone two weeks, but I decided to make it a month. I definitely am going to make things up to Mia. She has been so wound up in taking care of the children and me she hasn't taken time for herself and she needs it. Anastasia recommended that I take Mia somewhere and treat her like a queen. I at first thought she would refuse, but she didn't and we made it to the island and I saw patients via the internet. We had no children needing anything and no interruptions and we reconnected and she forgave me for a lot. I had no idea that I was so deep into my career that I forgot about her and my children's needs. We promised to make time for each other and I promised to make time for the children so she could have time to relax each day for at least an hour. We headed home to children who missed us and we missed them.

I am relaxed and tanned all over and so is Ethan, private beaches are great. We were able to walk around naked and do a lot of things outside. No worries about birth control and I was very glad about that. We spent a lot of time having sex and it was great. He definitely made everything better and I forgave him. Even though I know Anastasia told him to bring me here and treat me like a queen and he did. He listened to Anastasia and I am glad. After everything we went through we needed this time to heal from it all. Now to get back to our seven children. I think Anastasia and Christian have been kind enough to keep them at their home, it is time we go get them. Now if we can get them to come home with us.

Anastasia is exhausted from handling twelve children for a month. Ethan and Mia are coming home today and they are getting their children and taking them home. Christian wants to take Anastasia away for a week and I agreed to oversee the children. Carrick is happy to have the children here and so am I. I hope to see more of them soon. Christian wants Anastasia to have some me time.

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