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Kate wanted to go to Paris, so we went and I bought her a few designer dresses and shoes to match. I remind her that I am not made of money. We saw a lot of France and I had to translate for her and I taught her a few things. She taught me a few things as well. I guess something's are worth waiting for and I thankful for what Kate did back when we went on that date, it got me to know what I wanted and didn't want and also kicked me into working in myself in a lot of ways. Who could have predicted that Kate would one day be my wife, not me that's for sure. She might intimidate others but she can't do it to me anymore.

I git two designer dresses and shoes to match them. Carlyle reminded me that he wasn't made of money and I let him buy me what he could afford and I am very content with it. I bought him a few things that look good on him and they are nice but not expensive. He is fluent in French and helps me negotiate prices and I love hearing him speak other languages. He has taught me a few phrases and it helps a little bit. We are staying in Christian Greys family home in the guesthouse and staff have been taking care of us and we love it. At first I thought it would make us uncomfortable but they are very unobtrusive about taking care of us. They are very nice and well trained. They were hired by Gail Taylor when Christian bought the house she interviewed all potential staff for his homes, no wonder she makes the big bucks. Jason does all security hiring and there are security at each home. I really hate going home, but we need to get back home and to work. I bought a few things for family and friends, something inexpensive things I found here in France. Other than finding out that Gail and Jason Taylor interviewed and hired the staff I couldn't get any more information out of them. All signed an NDA like I did. So did Carlyle and he us very tight lipped about what goes on at his job. I barely get to know where he is going to. Sometimes I just get a call telling me he is out of town and can't say where.

Work was hard to get back to, but I got on the helicopter and flew Roz to a private location in Washington State. I stood by and watched the helicopter being refueled as a security team drove off with Roz and three hours later Roz came back smiling and we flew back to GEH and I flew the helicopter back to the hangar area until we needed her again. I checked all security measures and had Barney run the system checks to assure everything was working. I then checked all the cameras to assure no one had hijacked the feeds with a hidden camera. So I found one and three bugs in the hangar. We moved the Helicopter to another hangar so it would be safe. Extra security came in to guard both hangars, the GEH one had guards inside waiting for whoever was behind the cameras and bugs. The helicopter was safely ensconced in another hangar on the opposite end of the runway. Guards were there 24/7 and rotated one at a time at six hour rotations every two hours staggered.

I got inside the stream and located the location it was going to. Whoever it was is not worried about being discovered. I tell them that I think it is a trap to get us to come to the location they are streaming it to. My recommendation would be not to send anyone. We can use a drone to see who it is and watch them until we can figure out what's going on. Carlyle thinks it might be a distraction to keep us busy doing one things and whoever it is has another plan. So we wait and watch and are now on high alert. With Anastasia and Roz pregnant, we are watching them closely. Mia is on bed rest until she gives birth to her triplets. A month from now. She is safely at home with a lot of security.

Security is tight since the breech at the hangar. Carlyle has earned his pay and more. Security forces are increasing in size and I have hired a second in command. Thomas Sawyer was promoted and Davis moved into the CPO position and has a regular position watching over Mia Kavanagh. I figure that it is a good thing and he is a very patient man. He wanted to stay on the helicopter but we all agreed that he has been recognized by whoever set up this trap.

Charles Anderson
I am watching as they move the helicopter back into the hangar. I see the pilot and I know him from somewhere but not sure where. I am going make sure  Christian Grey gets what is coming to him. He wasn't on the jet and I barely injected the concoction into the landing gear, it finally worked and ate through the metal. But the pilots and crew along with the other passengers were saved, that's it he was the one who saved them as I watched the jet explode from the hangar area. My cousin was screwed over by Grey and Bailey. I am determined to take their lives away like they took David's away.

I went into labor and Roz is at work in a major meeting. I have security drive me to the hospital. They have to stay with me at all times for good reasons. We are on high alert after the jet crash, they have explained about the landing gear malfunctioning but I sense it is more and they don't want me to know because of my pregnancy. The investigators are still looking at it all. Suddenly security is tripled on everyone.

I arrive just in time to see Samantha Gail Bailey born. She looks like me and I see a little bit of Christian in her. Scott will be happy to have his sister here. I apologize to Gwen for not being here for her and she has forgiven me for not arriving sooner. I will definitely be getting her that new suv she wants.

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