A Master Of None

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I call David Anderson and tell him to come to my office immediately and bring his files on his company now. We have a contract and he is about to find out who is and isn't working for whom. I am in charge and so is Roz.

David Anderson
I never expected to have a call from mr Grey, because he was on his honeymoon according to the papers and his staff. But here I am facing the man at 7:30 am and I haven't had my coffee yet. The box I have is full of the files he has requested. Roz kept telling me to bring them over and I told her I would when mr Grey is back, it was merely a delay tactic to run out the clock on our agreements. Now I have to face the music in more ways than one. The Anderson company has been in my family since my great grandfather started it. I think it is worth more money and I am trying to delay the contract to run it out so I can get more money from it. Christian has started the restructuring process and I am watching and waiting until he has it done. I am trying to invalidate the contract and he knows that. So far I can't find anything that I can use, except that I am saying only he can say what happens in the company. Roz is smart, but I will stand my ground on this and hope Christian didn't get back to say otherwise. I ran out of luck.

Anderson walks in with Roz on his heels. She is ready for action and I don't blame her. I have the contract ready and I highlighted several copies where it states in my absence that Roz is in charge. I tell him to sit his box down and read the part highlighted. He knows he just violated the contract and I will be terminating his employment immediately and have his second in command take over. He tries to backtrack and act like he hadn't seen the clause and he even initialed it.

I try to argue the points, but his attorney arrives and points things out to me that I have agreed to. He tells me by refusing to work with Roz was a violation of the contract.  So they owe me nothing and I owe them my company. I try to argue and I can't and I am shorted back to the company and I am greeted by my second in command with my things in a box and my keys to the car and the buildings are taken away from me. A check for a thousand dollars is placed in my hands as my final check. I am escorted back through the gates and they are locked on me. I tried and screwed up. Christian Grey was right about me being inept to keep running a company of any kind.

Christian stood his ground again against a man who thought he could bully me around and in the end he found out he was wrong. Sadly it took Christians force to get his point across and he did. We luckily don't get many men like David Anderson and we are shaking things up at that company, women who should have been promoted long ago are getting promoted and the men who were promoted and proved themselves unable to do those jobs are getting demoted or fired. They can be placed in a position they actually can do. Mail room would be a good place for a few of them. One of the issues David was having was my moving women into the positions they were already doing, just not getting the titles or the money they deserved. Always a bridesmaid never a bride was the mentality David had for women. He made them assistants and a man their boss and f course the women did the work and the men took the credit.

Christian came home from work and was looking into things at some of his companies and having HR review the qualifications of men versus women and he said that he had his eyes open regarding flawed hiring practices and he is going to make it right in his company. Roz made a discovery about a recent acquisition and it started with the owner not wanting to work with her because she was female. Roz got Christian to handle the situation and apparently she pointed out quite a few issues with the staff and that the women were doing the work and the men were getting the promotions and the positions and the great raises and benefits. Christian took the company away from the guy and fired him. I can't figure out how he did it, but he did because the guy violated the contracts. Christian tried to restructure the company and Roz was helping him, but the owner only wanted to deal with a man. Anderson was lucky he didn't have major law suits against him. I guess the women had no choice but to work for him and his friends or they would be blackballed in the industry. HR got involved and they removed the two men who were running the Anderson company hiring and promoting. That was all on his first day back to work. Barney is still working on the island and so are Gail and Jason. We have a few new security people watching over us. They have been working for GEH a long time. Christian has someone watching David Anderson because he made threats against him and Roz.

I have been watching and waiting for Roz to come out of the GEH building. Her wife Gwen is waiting for her in their car. I am parked two cars behind Gwen waiting.

Ryan Reynolds
I am watching David Anderson and he is sitting parked behind Gwen Bailey Roz's wife. I can't let this continue so I call in backup. The covert approaches Mr Anderson's car. Fred Morris looks like a normal guy, but he isn't. I watch him walk up to the drivers door of mr Anderson's car and then I see Lewis Smith standing next to the passenger door waiting quietly and peering into the car. Within seconds they have him out of his car. The cops arrive and take him into custody, they searched his car and found guns, explosives and grenades. He won't be getting out on bail. They found photos of Gwen and her car. It turns out that David had been planning on killing both Gwen and Roz for a long time. He hated women and he hated women who married women.

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