Love To Hate?

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Why me of all people get assigned to follow Kate Kavanagh ultimate rich witch from my high school nightmares. Talk about date from hell and ours was thanks to her. Not only did she get the most expensive food on the menu, she also ditched me for one of the other diners and he was twice her age. I got the hint and never asked her out again. I hope this is a temporary assignment. I love my job, but not always the people I protect.

I get up and shower and discover it is almost noon and I am very hungry. Davis is sitting down reading a newspaper and drinking water. I figured coffee would be his drink. I look at him closely and realize I know him. Now I start thinking where I know him from. Uh oh I had dinner with him in high school and left him for another guy. He never spoke to me again, he darned well didn't look like this when we had that date. He grew into his looks and his height and build. I check his ring finger and nada and no tan or indentation in place. I ask if he has called for lunch yet?

I had breakfast and waited for you to come out if your bat cave. I have no idea what you would want to eat. The menu is over on the table. Order me a sandwich and soup please, I eat anything just make it a full meal, have to keep my energy up. She just snorts and looks at the menu and orders several things to eat before ordering a desert. I check out her body and wonder if she eats this way all the time? She looks like she watch3s her weight, but she isn't solid. She could use muscle tone if she keeps making enemies. All in all she has a nice body. I think it is all that shopping she does and in those heels. She looks at the newspaper and is angry that someone beat her to the punch on her own story being released. Taylor has already called me about it, I told him what happened and he set this suite up so Kate would have a safe place to stay. Apparently she is now mr Greys family by way of marriage.

We finish the huge meals I ordered for us and I need to get to work on my article from me as the victim point of view. Davis tells me that I can't use his or the others real names in the articles. I decide just to use three anonymous people saved my life. I need my laptop, but I don't see how I can get it. Carlyle asked me if I could shoot the gun I own? I told him I can shoot it and know about the safety and how to load it and unload it assuring the chamber is cleared as well. I need to keep my mind busy otherwise I might have some time to think how it would feel to have his muscular arms around me. He had clothing delivered and he looks good in what he is wearing now. He asked if I would mind going to the gym with him so he can stay in shape while he is guarding me.I am only human so I tell him yes. I kind of regretted it when I saw that I wasn't the only one watching him workout. Several ladies were all over him even with me there. I tried to remind myself that I am just being guarded by him, we have nothing going on otherwise.

I couldn't help but notice Kate watching me and then getting mad because a number of women were hitting on me. I found it amusing since I am merely her bodyguard right now. I work out for two hours while she pretends to read a book she found in the gym. I finally wipe things down and we head back to the suite and I take a shower while Kate does something in her room. I recommend we go to the restaurant in the hotel just to get out of the room. She agrees and we head down there and get seated immediately. Unfortunately a few of the ladies from the gym are here having dinner as well. They actually approach me and ignore the fact that Kate is sitting there with me. I don't know why but I tell them that it is absolutely rude to my date to approach me and ask me for my name and phone number and I don't like people who do that. I ask them to leave us alone. After that no one else bothered us during our meal. I think the fact the women walked away in a huff stopped the other ladies from approaching us.

I couldn't believe that three women all came to our table and asked Carlyle for his name and number and talked about him training them in the gym one on one. They ignored my presence just like they did in the gym. He told them he was far too busy to train any of them. He didn't tell them his name and they asked him to call them for a date then. He told them he didn't like rude people and they were being rude and he would never date a rude person. I guess that makes me one of the ones he wouldn't date. We get back to the suite and he turns on the tv in the main seating area. He sits in the recliner and watches as the numerous channels fly by. Suddenly he stops at big bang theory and starts watching and laughing at it. I sit on the sofa and take my shoes off and watch it with him. It is like a marathon of the tv show. So it kept running until we both fall asleep.

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