A Good Man And Father

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Thomas Sawyer
When you know you have met the one you want to start a life with them. After our first date I knew she was the love of my life. It has been six months now and I have the rings and I want to marry her in a quiet chapel and just us and the officiant and witnesses. She wants Leigh and Elliott to be our witnesses. They actually agreed to it. It was an early morning wedding. She wore a simple dress with little flowers  on it. Her hair was pulled back and braided and had flowers in it.

I am very happy with Thomas and I am getting my degree. I moved in with him three months after we met. I think Ray and Sheryl were happy to see me move out. I think I saw huge smiles on their faces as I got in the car to leave. It could also be that both Thomas and I were burnt by our exes. He luckily didn't marry his girlfriend because of her crazy behavior. The wedding went fast and Elliott and Leigh signed the witness area of the marriage certificate. It was the wedding we wanted and in a church. No frills and no court house or judge. It took a half hour and we went our separate ways couple wise. We hugged one another and thanked everyone for being there.

I love coming home to my wife and after six months of marriage we are expecting a little one. I am very happy about this, I had hoped for a honeymoon baby, but I got called to go on an assignment that lasted three days and was rough. Leila had escaped and we had to find her before she got to Christian and Anastasia. She made the fatal mistake of confronting Anastasia and Anastasia was the better shot. Anastasia was hit by the bullet and her bullet hit her target dead on and ended her life right there. Somehow Leila had been hiding in the restaurant bathroom and was lying in wait for Anastasia to walk in and she took her shot literally.

I can't believe I killed someone, but it was in self defense. She shot me first and I pulled my gun out and took aim as she missed me on the second attempt at killing me. I got my shot off and it hit right between the eyes. She dropped to the floor. Security arrived and I was in shock and needed medical treatment. Cops arrived and bagged up evidence including both guns. I showed them my carry conceal license. I am finally on a gurney and headed to the hospital as Christian is barking orders as usual. I woke up later with a headache from where the bullet grazed my head and started my head bleeding.

I am angry that Leila got that close to Anastasia, Anastasia is in critical but stable condition. We don't know how she was able to shoot after the bullet hit her head, but she did. She hit Leila between the eyes. Leila's bullet hit Anastasia in the right temple and moved on the side of her head and bent and lodged in her skull. They say it didn't hit brain matter, but it will leave a scar and a dent in her skull. But she is alive. I ask )axon to find out how Leila got out of the mental hospital? He and Gail are just as worried, so I gave him the job of finding out how Leila got out and found her way into the bathroom and shot Anastasia. All this could have been avoided if Leila was better watched over at the psychiatric hospital. We found out Rose and Thomas Sawyer got married in a quiet ceremony andElliott and Leigh were their witnesses.

I am glad Leila is dead and unable to do any more damage to anyone. Gail is sitting by Anastasia along with Christian. Anastasia seemed like she is okay, but at times she seems off a little bit. I think that they need to scan her head for internal bleeding. I need to leave so that others can visit. I tell Christian that I need to get back to work and he nods. I am going to find out exactly how she got out.
Apparently she seduced one of the attendants and she stole their keys and locked them up in her room after tying them up with her bedding after knocking them unconscious. The woman attendant was found later stripped of her clothing. Leila used them to get out. Ana Lee Saunders had a history of having sexual relations with the patients, they couldn't prove anything though. Now they have enough to terminate her and incarcerate her. I will make sure she gets a lot of time for this.

Anastasia started have a major headache and had to be taken to surgery and they had to release the fluid on her brain and put her in a medicated coma. We have to wait and see what happens next. They scanned her brain again and there is no fluid or bleeding on her brain and they are going to wake her up. It took four hours and she finally woke up.

All the noises became louder and I could finally understand them and my head feels heavy and painful, but no major headache like before. I see my husband and he is smiling at me. He kisses me and I kiss him back. I don't remember how I got here. I ask him just that and he explains what he knows from the police investigation. My assailant is dead, but not before she shot me in the head as well. Apparently I was a far better shot than she was. Yay for me and I wince in pain. Christian tells me Rose and Thomas got married and Elliott and Leigh stood up with them as witnesses. I think that is pretty cool. All of them finding a way to come together.

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