More Charges

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I have my sons and my wife testify against Elena as well. There is a restraining order against contacting any of us ever again and she can't have anyone else contact us because she definitely was a pedophile and nothing is worse. She actually came into s strangers home and did that is what is worse. She actually thought they were attracted to her. A 10 and a 12 year old boy aren't interested in a forty five year old woman. Grace was a witness as well. The public defender tried to twist the truth, but in the end he couldn't find a way to get the testimony stricken from the case without a great reason.

I got my divorce without any issues and the police released all my things and my files. I went through everything and I discovered that Elena committed fraud and I added charges against her after I had a forensic audit done on the shipping company. It took six months and I stopped all shipments going out to get them inspected after seeing they weren't authorized by my people. After finding out where they were I sent cops to the area and what they found closed down my shipping business until they figured out who was involved. Elena was using my shipping containers for shipping humans out in. Her signatures were on all the invoices. I hired a criminal attorney to clear my good name. It didn't take long to prove my innocence to the courts.

I am not ever getting out of jail. It all started because of Anastasia Howard and her tattling to Richard. The man spoiled that brat. Bought her all kinds of books and she hid them from me. I didn't know she was a genius, Richard knew it though. So I will make her pay for this.

Debra Taylor
I am wincing in pain and am serving time for just trying to slap some sense into Anastasia, Jason and Gail's foster daughter. I am sitting in a cell with three others and I haven't met them yet. I am sitting here waiting for a call from my attorney. I know these women have been in here for a while and I need to mind my own business and keep to myself. I watch as three women enter the room and I am told to get off the older ones bed. I climb off and get on the top and roll out the bedding and covers. I look at one of them and she looks familiar. Then it hits me she's the pedophile and boy does she look beaten up. I am staying away from her because someone might hurt me to get to her. Elena Lincoln is serving a life sentence, how did I get put in this cell with her. I can't believe that I am in the cell with a lifer. My Att better do something about this situation and fast.

Debra was found guilty and was given six months and a year probation as long as she goes to anger management classes. The evidence was everywhere and she tried lying, but she was also charged with perjury. I am sure that she was hoping that Anastasia would have charges pressed against her. Anastasia was only defending herself against Debra. Gail was not happy with Debra at all and neither was anyone else. Sophie basically told her to leave her alone, just like she did most of her life anyway. I was proud of the girls for defending Gail, she is the only real mom they have known in their lives.

I love Gail and Anastasia and Anastasia beat me to defending Gail against my mom. She definitely did a great job. I finally did get to tell my biological mother off when I went to see her in jail. I told her to forget she ever had a child, because she never knew I existed unless she wanted to gouge dad for money. She never took care of me, she left me alone a lot. Dad finally got me out of there with Carrick Grey's help. A lot of evidence against my mom and dad won full custody.

Christian and his family congratulated me on my success and my nice speech. Christian asks me if I am going to Harvard. I tell him I am not able to go because of my age. I know he is supposed to go to Harvard according to school rumors. I tell him I have a scholarship to the college in town as well. I would prefer Harvard, but I already have a jump on my college courses at this college. When I turn 18 I will attempt to go to Harvard then.

I might not want to attend college, but Harvard is where dad wants me to attend. I have been scrambling to get money together to start my company and I finally have it. I can't believe how smart Anastasia is, she actually helped me get my start up money. I was very stunned that she would help me. I think she had a way to invest in companies and I want to know how. She and I both keep the pretense of us being rivals. It is easier that way. I don't want to explain why I am friends with an eleven going on twelve year old girl.

I think I am the only one that knows that Anastasia is helping Christian start his company. I am buying the stocks for her and she tells me how to make money as well. We use code names and she has never been wrong on any of her investments. I keep her funds separate from ours. One account for me, one account for Christian and one for her. I gave dad a few tips and he has been investing as well. I will have nought money to open my construction company after college. That's two years away. Anastasia will be graduating at the same time as I am.

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