A Trusted Friend

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Anastasia has been persuaded by me to stay with me after the trial period. We have a lot of fun. We have dinner with her families and mine. Barney joins us and brings his parents as well. I think he is going to bring a date with him. Anastasia says he has brought her on two projects lately and she watches Barney and her closely. She thinks the young lady is jealous of her and she is making sure nothing is going on between her and Barney. I at first thought they were more than friends, but soon realized they were just friends. They worked hard on all kinds of projects and sometimes it took long hours. The hours have lessened since we started seeing each other and living together. I still don't know  Barney's girlfriends name.

I decided to keep living with Christian and it has gotten more comfortable for mom and dad in the last couple of weeks. Both do their jobs and I am like a guest of Christian's and it is easier that way. I don't ask them to do anything for me because it seems wrong. We sat down and talked about how this will work and came to a reasonable so,union of course Christian had to agree to my stipulation that I am not giving my parents orders or expecting them to do the same things for me that they do for him, it just isn't right in my eyes. He decided to hire staff to take care of my needs and she follows moms orders. Then someone under dad is in charge of my security teams. Sawyer and Prescott have been promoted and they have hired others with the same background and experience that dad has.

Suzannah Davidson met me at a tech fair and she invited me to dinner. I still don't know why she did. She looks like a fashion model. I dress like a nerd, she could date guys a lot better than me. Granted when I clean up I am checked out by a lot of women. I especially get looks in my swimsuit. I workout to keep in shape. Suzannah is jealous of Anastasia and has gotten mad at me because I spend a lot of hours working on projects with Anastasia. I finally brought her with me and introduced her to Anastasia. It was tense at first and then everything became easier. After that Suzannah joined us every time. She suggested that Anastasia bring Christian and something in my mind clicked on and I asked her a trick question. I asked who Christian was? See I never told Suzannah about Christian or even his name. I just told Suzannah that Anastasia were just colleagues and friends nothing romantic going on. I asked Anastasia if she had told Suzannah about Christian and she told me she never tells people who she dating and she definitely didn't tell Suzannah that she had a boyfriend much less his name. I started having her followed after that.

Anastasia asked me about Suzannah Davidson and I asked her where she heard that name and she told me it was Barney's new girlfriend. She went on to tell me that neither Barney or her mentioned that we were boyfriend and girlfriend. They hadn't told her that Anastasia was dating and never told her my name. Barney has someone following her 24/7 after she wanted Barney and her to get together with Anastasia and Christian for dinner. Barney and I have spoken and I told him that Suzannah and I dated and it ended badly. She became obsessed after the first date. I have a restraining order against her. Barney figured it out when she said my name. Anastasia knew something wasn't quite right about the person. She thought that nobody would want to sit hours on end to be assured her boyfriend is being faithful to her. I agreed with her about that.

I am hoping to go on a double date with Anastasia, Christian and Barney. This way I can get close to Christian and make him mine again. When I found out that Barney worked for GEH and his best friend and colleague was living with Christian I asked him to dinner and started dating him. So I went after him and he was very busy and working on projects with Anastasia so I pulled the jealousy angle and I would watch them especially her. I wanted to know why Christian moved her into his penthouse. I never stated the night with him. He took me to a hotel and we had sex and he left me in the morning. No goodbye and nothing. He avoided me if we ran into each other. His security handed me a restraining order to stay away from him and his family. I was just a one night stand for him. I tried everything including faking a pregnancy, but he didn't respond to me. His security however insisted on a sonogram from a doctor of their choice.

Christian is having security doubled for me and Anastasia and we will need to work in the apartment at Escala. My place isn't safe enough to assure our safety. Suzannah hasn't mentioned the restraining orders at all. She keeps talking about going on a double date with Anastasia and Christian and I keep telling her that they are both too busy to go on a double date with us. I am treading a thin line here. I have no doubt she is crazy, so I moved my parents to Escala with me. Anastasia and I are working on our projects in her apartments. Christian joins us and works on his laptop. My safety is in question now. So are my parents as well,  Anastasia is in danger as well. Christian is assuring our safety.  Anastasia has two fathers who were black ops and special forces. So a lot of people are assuring her safety.

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