Rose Annabelle Wilkes

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It took a lot if digging but I found out that Carla had a baby sister that she was not aware of. She was a baby when Carla died. Rose Wilkes married an abusive man, she disappeared with her daughter then gave birth to twins and gave them up for adoption and then she disappeared completely. Her husband was shot and killed by police after he beaten his pregnant wife who gave birth shortly afterward. He was father to all three children. She left the hospital after assuring all three of her daughters were going to be adopted. Rose Annabelle Baines is out there somewhere and all alone. She has been through hell and back. She probably looks like Carla. I have people checking for her and so far I can't find her.

I looked at where Rose Baines actually lived and I was horrified that she lived there because it was dangerous. Ray and I went and spoke to her neighbors and they said after the beating they never saw her again and thought she had died from the beatings, she gave her daughter up to protect her from her violent father. The father lost it and beat Rose and they called the police and an ambulance for Rose. They gave us her things she left since Ray is her brother in law. We looked through everything and Ray spotted something and we headed to that spot. Within an hour we saw her.

Rose Baines
I love the boardwalk and I sit here and think a lot. I have cried for my babies and how I made a big mistake marrying David Baines. Ophelia was found with the note the day I was beaten after David caught me trying to leave the homeless shelter. He had beat me, but I took Ophelia and left and he found me anyway. I dropped Ophelia off at the fire station with a note and told her I loved her and kissed her tiny head. Just as I was going back to the homeless shelter David grabbed me by the hair and started choking me and throwing me around and I was nine months along. The cops stopped him and I was taken to the hospital by ambulance and my babies came and I gave them up for adoption. I saw Ophelia and held my finger to my mouth and she knew not to talk about me being there. She looked like she hadn't ate or drank anything since I left her. I cried in pain as I walked away from the hospital that day. I luckily didn't have internal injuries so I left the hospital. I found out that David started fighting the cops and ended up shot and killed. I don't know how long ago that was, but I am living in an efficiency apartment that I can afford on the small amount I make. I get free meals at work. I make the best if it. I am saving for a car, I tried to get David's truck but it had a balance due on it and him dying, they took it back. I couldn't pay the past due or the regular payments, so I had no choice. His life insurance didn't cover him dying in the commission of a crime, so I got nothing.

We approach mrs Baines very carefully. I bought her food because she looks like she needs to eat. We head her way slowly and sit down next to her. I tell her that we know who she is and she was related to Carla Wilkes. She has no idea who we are talking about until we show her the picture and she sees her mother and father. She asks me what I want from her? We don't want anything but to verify she is Carla's sister. She lets us get a DNA swab and we hand her the food and she eats it.

I ask her if she has a place to stay and she shows us her apartment and it is horrible. I call and get her a place to stay, Sheryl agrees to let her stay in a guest room at our home. I know from her behavior that she doesn't do drugs and she has a place to live and a job. We checked her out. We followed her and finally contacted her. She looks like Anastasia just worn out by life. We drive her to get her things and she points out her work and she says she has to be at work tomorrow morning very early.

At first I thought these guys were crazy, but the photo of my parents with someone who favored me was odd and I let them take the DNA swab. They hand me the food and I eat it quickly before they take it from me. I don't know why but I trust these guys and feel safe with them. So we go to my place and pick up my things and go to a huge house and I am introduced to Sheryl Steele, Rays wife. Photos on the wall show Ray with two small children and then one with his wife and three adults and one looks like me only healthier. I am shown the guest room and it has a bathroom and a closet. I unpack my meager things and then I am led to the kitchen for a snack. Ray and Sheryl are nice and we chat for a while and he shows me Carla's photos and I see the house they once lived in. I remember that house.

I am a bit concerned about having her stay with us because I think she is overwhelmed by the size of the house and all the information we are giving her all at once. She seems very smart, but just also seems like life has beaten her down like her husband did just before he was shot and killed by the cops when they tried to save her life. I told Ray to go slow because she might run. He is trying to.

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