Found Out

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After hearing the full story from Anastasia about how Elena had hit her and why. I had my wife followed everywhere. I checked on something in the basement though. Anastasia was looking for Elena and found the basement door open, she was looking for her because she had company at the front door. She found a room that frightened her, Elena saw her and she hit her hard told her she would do more if she ever told anyone about her rooms in the basement. I tried finding them, but Elena has been watching me closely after I assured Anastasia was taken back to the caseworker. She got a better place than we gave her. Elena whined about in injustice of it all after all she only hit her once. I didn't even talk to her about how hard she hit the tiny girl. While Elena was asleep, I went and located those rooms. I was in shock. My next shock was what the PI discovered and I was told to allow police entry to my home right now. I met them and unlocked the door and led them into the basement and to the rooms where lights were on, but the doors were shut. They got battering rams and found two teenage boys naked and bleeding hanging from the ceiling and my wife was whipping them both. She was wearing a leather outfit that covered only her waist and arms. I let the police gather everything they needed to put her behind bars for life. I told them about the PI and his information that they might want as well.

I can't believe I am in jail and my husband helped put me here. He apparently had me followed and found out about my rooms. Anastasia is the only one who knew about them, but she was only three years old. She couldn't have told anyone much about my being in the rooms in the basement. I made her take a nap in her room while I had fun with my friends in the basement. It has been six months since Anastasia was removed from our home. I can't believe that she was smart enough to tell Richard about my rooms. I was served with divorce papers and he took everything and terminated my attorney from representing me. I have to depend on a public defender and he was one of my pets from another state. He is not going to defend me and he explained to the judge exactly why. I am wanted in a few states, they weren't looking for me under the name Lincoln. So I will stand trial here and then stand trial in the other states. They are trying to work something out in those situations.

Colin Davis PD
I can't stand this woman, but I had to step in to defend her after her other guy realized she was the one who raped her when he was in another state and she escaped before they arrested her for it. He was 14 at the time, that was a very good reason to recuse himself. I don't want to defend her, but it is my job. Plus innocent until proven guilty. There's enough evidence to put her behind bars for life. There is evidence of her stalking other young boys, including the Carrick Grey's boys. I have seen the photos and videos of them. She definitely was making plans for adding to her victims.

I was called in to see photos of my sons and to verify that Elena Lincoln had not done anything to them yet. I look at the photos and recall that she was trying to befriend Grace, but Grace didn't like her and asked her to leave and not come back again. She really isn't like that to people, so I decided to finally call her and ask her what had happened to make her force Elena to leave and never darken our doors again.

I knew it wasn't a lie and I now know I was right to listen to my gut and not to a stranger who just followed my sons in our gates and our home without getting an okay by me. I decided to send the children to their rooms to do homework until dinner time. I want this woman out of our home and fast. Gretchen arrives and asks if I want her to serve refreshments and I tell her no because mrs Lincoln would be leaving soon. Of course she needs to use the powder room before she leaves and I was so stupid I allow her to go. I tell her the way and wait for her to come back, when she took too long I go and see the powder room empty and no Mrs Lincoln in sight. I heard Elliott say something  and then Christian. I listen as I go up the stairs and I see mrs Lincoln in Elliott's room and she is sitting on his bed and Elliott and Christian are standing watching her and they look like they're scared of her. I ask her what she is doing upstairs to begin with and why she is sitting on my sons bed. I then see it, she crosses her legs and has no underwear on. I tell her to get up and get out if my house immediately. Elliott tells her to puck up her nasty panties and take them with her. I want to kill this woman. She grabs her panties and leaves the bedroom. I tell Elliott to throw away that blanket and all the bedding on his bed now. I make sure Mrs Lincoln has left. I check all the rooms in the house. I then ask Elliott and Christian what happened exactly?

I tell mom that I came out if my bathroom to find Elena standing in my room and she took her panties off, I was in shock and had never seen anything like that happen before. Then Christian walked in and she feted to have sex with both of us. That was when she sat on the bed and spread her legs apart for us to see her private parts. She left her phone number on the bed. I hadn't seen it until I started taking the linens off the bed to throw away. I hand it to mom to have dad do something about this woman. Luckily Mia had no idea what was going on because she was watching her dvd player with her headphones.

I can't believe that I am hearing and seeing this old bat from hell in my brothers room and is offering to have sex with both of us and sits down on Elliott's bed pulling her dress up to show her private parts and she makes sure we both know what she is offering us. Mom comes 8n just in time and throws her out underpants and all. Elliott finds a card n the cover and hands it to mom.

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