Shipping Yard?

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I was left a shipping yard by Richard Lincoln and a letter of apology from him about Elena abusing me. His widow and his five children were all at the reading of the will. Each was left large sums of money and I was left his shipping yard and a modest sum. He left a video for all of to see. I recalled him because he bought me a lot of books. I still have those and they are very precious to me. He also had the attorney hand me a first edition of Oliver Twist and the latest version of computer technology books. I cried and gave my sympathies to the widow and their children. She hugged me and told me that if it hadn't been for me Richard might have been in jail because he might have killed Elena himself after what he found out. All their children are young and well cared for. A couple of caregivers were entertaining them and one is named after me. Richard died from an aneurysm and went quickly. I asked the widow if she didn't want the money and shipyards and she told me not at all. Richard left her with enough money she would never need to work again. The shipyard was a sore reminder of what Elena had really been up to during their short marriage. She told me to sell it and I told her I knew someone who wants it. She says Christian Grey right? I nod and she tells me to have him fire upper management for incompetence. I found out later exactly what she meant.

I am trying to find out the new owner of the Lincoln Shipping yards and I guess it wasn't left to the widow or her small children. So I am in the middle of trying to find out this information when Anastasia knocks on my door. I stop and ask her what is going on and she tells me the Richard Lincoln will was read today and she knows that I have been trying to find out the new owner, I ask her to get to the point. She tells me that she is the new owner once all the documents are processed and smiles at me and I know she has got me right where she wants me. She has been a wheeler and dealer since I have known her. She has something in mind and we will both win in the end. I listen to her deal and she walks away with two prime parcels of property that I have not done anything with yet. She tells me the widow suggested firing all the upper management due to incompetence. We agree to the terms and sign a contract and we will get Jason to sign on her behalf until she turns 18 in the next year. She just got her drivers license and then I realize she has had it for a while. She is still taking courses and this time she's after a law degree, watch out dad. I chuckled when I saw the law books in the staff quarters. Mia was was over there studying with Anastasia.

I signed the papers for Anastasia and the transfers would happen in the next sixty days. Christian started firing the incompetent upper management at the shipping yard and said that he could see why Richard had an aneurysm. After looking at the books he reversed transactions and had bank accounts frozen. I was shocked at what she got in trade for the shipping yard. Three prime buildings and locations that she had kept trying to get from Christian and he kept saying no. Finally she had a chance to get them and she took it. Gail and I had a good chuckle after that. The girls a genius, someday we expect someone will see her and realize this is their daughter. Her father and mother are unknown, but I just can't see her family not seeing her in the news and not knowing their own child. They must be where they don't read the news or see her photos.

Raymond Steele
I am finally back in the United States, Jessie is still unpacking her clothing and Carl has decided not to park his car in the garage like I told him to. I am going crazy here. Both of them were raised by my staff while I was on dangerous assignments. I recall the day Carla disappeared and left me with two small children to care for. I had to take leave and finally gave up on her coming back to me. Nothing came of the missing persons report. To this day they haven't found her. We had reports on bodies fitting her descriptions but both died in child birth. The doctor told us after Carl we couldn't have anymore babies. That was conveyed to me by Carla at least. So I am assuming she just doesn't want to be found or she's dead. The last day I saw her she was acting strangely and I guess I should have taken her to the ER, but when asked she threw a plate at me. I caught it and she started crying and I held her. The next moment she had no idea where she was at. She left the house and took nothing with her and no shoes or coat. Nothing was missing.

Dad are you reminiscing again? Mom again? He nods and I hug him and he tells me that I have my moms eyes. My hair is like his and my face is my grandmothers. Carl looks exactly like a male version of mom according to dad. We have photos of her in our rooms because he wants us to know what she looked like. We just don't have her photos in the main house. He still has hope to find her again.

I go hug dad and Jessie because I know being back in Seattle must be hard on him and I know he still loves mom. He needs answers and closure.

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