New Deliveries

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I can't believe I am having triplets again. Luckily I am scheduled for my delivery this time and I'm two days away from the day. I am walking around trying to keep active before my three arrive and all are girls this time. Identical triplets yet again. Ethan and I have decided this is it for us. After these are born healthy he is having a vasectomy. I am getting a drink of water when my water breaks. Not good at all, Carlyle hears my screams and comes to find me on the floor in the amniotic fluids. He dials 911 and gets them to send an ambulance. He grabs towels from the drawer to put near me. He calls for help and asks them to bring him some bigger towels a mop and something to help me with my labor pains. Someone called Ethan and I can't wait and Carlyle helps me with my underwear, he cuts them off and my babies head is out and He has to deliver baby number one, he wipes her off and has someone get the nasal thing in one if the baby gifts and suctions out stuff in her nose and throat. Her cries are immediate and number two is ready to come. One of the staff has tied off the cord on number one, number two is more difficult but Carlyle changes her position by putting his hand inside me to move her into the correct position. Number two arrives and she's not breathing so he hurries up and clears her throat and nose then gives her CPR and she starts gasping for air and screams loudly and someone takes her from him after he ties off her cord. Number three is already out and screaming very loudly. I am relieved it is over until I feel another baby arrive and I am shocked that it is a boy, a very tiny boy. He had to be hiding from us all this time. Carlyle laughed and said you got a bonus baby. The EMT's arrive and take over and we all head to the hospital. Carlyle rides with us holding two if the babies while I hold two. He has security follow us and asks the housekeeper to clean up the mess in the kitchen. No wonder Kate married him, he stays calm in any situation.

I had to reschedule everything because Mia is on her way to the hospital, her water broke and she is in labor now. I walk out and head to the hospital, I am being driven by a new security guy. I sit back and wish to God this guy can drive faster, but he just goes the speed limit. I arrive at the hospital and they show me my babies and I look and there are my three girls, but they have four babies in the viewing area. I ask about the boy baby and they tell me that my wife had four babies. Three identical triplets and one boy and I pass out. Someone caught me luckily. They put me in the suite with Mia, who is sound asleep. I am told that I passed out from the shock of having four new babies. I have decided to get the vasectomy early, so I call and they get me in pretty quickly. I am getting nervous about getting a vasectomy and I cancel the appointment for now. I go see Mia knowing I can't have sex with her for six weeks, well regular sex.

Ethan cancelled his vasectomy, because there is no way he could have had it done and still walk normally and he doesn't seem drugged. So my son is going to be lying to his wife. I point this out to Eamon and he said it's Ethan's funeral if he doesn't get it done and lies about it. I get mad and tell him that he should talk to Ethan about this situation because I don't want my children to get divorced.

Enid is pretty sharp and pointed out that Ethan hadn't had the vasectomy done. She was right he came back too quickly and he isn't in pain or drugged up. So he is going to lie about getting the vasectomy. You would think being a father of seven and in two pregnancy would scare him into getting the vasectomy.

I am so glad the babies only needed some oxygen, that was the first time I ever delivered a baby, so four babies in a row. I barely had time to get the baby cleaned up and it's cord cut and tied. Luckily I tied the cords off before I cut the cord. One of the others was making sure the knife was sterilized by alcohol washed and cleaned prior to giving me it. Someone else wrapped the baby up after I cleared the nose and throats. We really worked as a team that day. I am so glad that I stayed calm and kept Mia calm because it could have been very bad. I can't wait to get home to see Kate. Kate might be strong in public, but she is not as strong in private. She falls apart and she gets very emotional during her pregnancies. I just allow her to fall apart so that I can hold her once she bottoms out. I love that crazy pregnant woman. I see Mia and I think she is so much different than when we first met and so is Kate. Kate is so different from back then and she gets better everyday and I love her more everyday. I hope she loves me more as well. Then I think of the things she and I do and I need to think of something else, so I think of grandpa in his swim suit and something hanging out of them. That photo appeared again in the photo album, my grandma's eyes aren't what they should be when she put that photo in there. Kate laughed her head off when she saw the photo. I pulled it out, but Kate put it back in and told me to leave it there and we did in remembrance of both my grandparents. I look at the four little bundles of joy I delivered today and they are being moved to Mia's suite and I am overseeing their transfer to her room. Six security guards are with me and four nurses.

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