[ GN!Reader ] ➜ Injured Swordsman

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                            - A brief ambush from Void Rangers escalates into a massive ordeal as the enemies manage to injure Yanqing

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                            - A brief ambush from Void Rangers escalates into a massive ordeal as the enemies manage to injure Yanqing.
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It all happened so fast, you couldn't even react. A hostile monster with orange blades along it's forearms had rushed forth, attempting to slice you into minced pieces. Lucky for you, your teammate happens to be Yanqing. The blond-haired swordsman let out a bloodcurdling shriek of agony as the enemy blades dug into his skin, slicing his beautiful face. Although his used his blades to attempt to deflect the attack, the boy isn't invincible. With his own blade cracking beneath the pressure, the swordsman gritted his teeth in his desperate struggle to maintain his balance.

You, however, had other plans. Your hands tugged the boy back into your arms, where you placed your hand on his cheek to shield him. It seemed your opponent was scoffing at you, based on it's body language. With rage flowing in your veins, you drew a gun from your pocket and set that motherfucker off. The entity exploded into a firework of gore; you quickly hoisted Yanqing into your arms to avoid the downpour. You fled the scene, terrified for your companion. "Are you okay—?!" You yelled over the wind as you ran through Boulder Town. Natasha may be able to help treat his injuries.
Yanqing tensed, "Ah, please, put me down—!" He hissed through his teeth. You came to an abrupt halt, slowly lowering the boy onto the ground. His limbs bled steadily, a gash along his cheek dripping with crimson gore. Thumb tenderly swiping away the blood from his features, you eyed his condition.
"Does it hurt for me to pick you up?" You asked.
It was most likely nothing he hadn't gone through in the past, however, he withdrew into himself as he curled up on the ground. "No— check.. hah, oh my god! Check the inside, there's probably a piece of—" he refused to finish his sentence thanks to the pain.

If he was in this much anguish, he must be right. As horrid as it was, you slowly used two fingers to lift the damaged skin around his bloody facial wound. Behold; a shard from the opponent's blades had lodged itself in the wound. Just great. "I got it," you reassured him, using your index and middle finger to seize the jutted out piece from the orange shard. "It's out now."
"Agh— I'll check everywhere else, I don't think that was it.."

Well, shit. Just what we needed.

Since the whole underground was short on medical supplies, you had to improvise to the best of your abilities. You eyed Yanqing's arm, where his clothes were torn the worst. Blood stained the fabric, various gash wounds visible along his skin. Clicking your tongue, you quickly lifted the skin, summoning a small shriek from Yanqing. "How the hell did you manage?"
"I have no idea," he bit his lower lip a bit, eyes watering profusely. "Ooh, that hurts."
Understanding his pains, you quickly checked over his other wounds for lost shard pieces. It seems only two larg shards had lodged in the wounds, the others were clean. You couldn't fight a frown from crossing your features. "Hey," you whispered to him. "It's done. I'm just gonna disinfect it and bandage it."
"No! That's the last of our supplies, please use them sparingly." Argued Yanqing.

You ignored him. Poor Yanqing, his wounds looked quite painful— given the fact that his eyes watered from the stinging sensation. Your head perked, although you focused on his wounds, you couldn't resist patting his head. "Thank you so much, Yanqing," you softly said. "I love you."
"I love you— too—" he inhaled deeply at the pain in his wounds thanks to the pressure you applied to halt the bleeding. He began to shakily breathe deeply— in and out, in and out, in and out.
You understood that, between stinging tears, his body was attempting to regulate his breathing. Feeling safer than before, you placed your hand upon his cheek. "Relax, it's okay," you reassured him as you resumed tender to his gash marks(this time being his facial scratch). "Here, those tears are gonna hurt if they get into that wound." You placed a piece of torn fabric from Yanqing's clothes beneath his eye, one of your hands holding the back of his head.
"It's nothing I haven't dealt with before— training with a sword barely leaves room for mistakes." His voice had softened as he told you this. This was typical of Yanqing, his love for swordsmanship has always shown through his personality. From talking to you for hours about it, to happily laying across your lap as he shows you the in and outs of a blade, you can safely say you know quite a bit about swords thanks to him.

You used the fabric to dry his watering eyes, afterwards placing it into your pocket. You'd have to sew his clothes later. Drawing the boy towards your chest, you placed your cheek upon the top of his head. Your right hand supported the back of his head whilst your left slowly and melodically stroked down the length of his ponytail as a means to soothe him. "Are you okay, Yanqing?"
"I'm fine now," he chuckled awkwardly. "Thanks to you, that is."
You snickered a tad, your right hand gingerly gliding down the side of his face as you leaned down to smooch his cheek. "You're welcome. We'll have to postpone our sparring for a few weeks, these wounds won't close if—"
"What—?! Aw, no, please! Pleaaseee..?" Pleaded Yanqing, his golden hues shimmering as they gradually expanded. The puppy eyes.
You heaved a sigh, your right hand gently smushing his cheeks. The bandage on his under-eye seemed to dance as his face was affectionately squished. He began smiling, his cheeks flushing red. "Haha, you know I won't feel guilty. Even after you nag me."
Yanqing crossed his arms, pouting his lip. "Damn, it always works on Jing Yuan." He muttered, side-eyeing you occasionally.

Although you longed to flop him over and playfully wrestle him, you could not. With his injuries, and lack of medical supplies, it was best if you refrained. "Alright," you hoisted the boy into your arms, standing in place as you awaited a response. "No pain?"
"Nope! We're good to go!" He happily nuzzled into your collarbone, wrapping his arms around your neck. You peered down at him, gazing into his glorious eyes. They say the eye is a window to the soul.

His must be absolutely ethereal.

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