[ GN!Reader ] ➜ Shelter From The Rain

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                            - An unexpected monsoon forces you and Yanqing into hiding, but there is a lonely kitten somewhere nearby

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                            - An unexpected monsoon forces you and Yanqing into hiding, but there is a lonely kitten somewhere nearby.
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The gentle patter of rainfall filled your ears as the weather upon the Xianzhou Luofu grew murky. The sky filled with nighttime stars had been painted over with gorgeous, gray hues of waterlogged clouds.
You walked in rhythm beside a boy named Yanqing. He lifted his golden irises to peer up at the sky overhead, his sleek ponytail swishing to and fro in the wind. He frowned at the rain droplets that soared from the sky, dropping freshwater onto his face. In an instant, Yanqing recoiled from the droplets, wiping his cheek to dry it. He huffed a bit, "It seemed like it was going to be so nice, too." He commented with a sunken expression.
You snickered a bit, patting his shoulder several times. "C'mon, man, we can go wait out the rain together."
Upon meeting your gaze, Yanqing began smiling broadly. He then nodded his head, taking your hand in his. "Great! I know just the place!"

Without warning, the blond swordsman began eagerly tugging you in his wake. You stumbled a bit whilst struggling to keep up with him. Once you steadied yourself, it was quite easy to keep pace with the boy. You glanced at him on occasion, wishing to see his beautiful face. The way it was being pelted with rain brought you a profound sense of love. You'd never seen this before. The rain droplets soared through his hair, sparing no effort in soaking every strand possible. As you both escaped to the Synwood Pavilion, Yanqing hurried to bring you under the roof of the pavilion. Outside, the weather began to turn to thunder. The rain escalated from a gentle shower to a brutal downpour. Water bounced off of the wooden floors, making it look as though the water had manifested into some kind of mist. It was gorgeous.

You slowly clambered to the ground with your hands in your lap. You simply sat and watched. The more you observed, the prettier it grew. Yanqing craned his head to peer down at you, afterwards tilting his head slightly to the right. "What are you doing?" Asked he.
You turned your head to face him, "Watching. This is so beautiful, don't you think?" Your tone was calm and gentle. There was nothing you loved more than speaking in fluffy, candied tones to your lover.
Yanqing nodded a single time as he plopped down beside you, crossing his legs to form a pretzel in his lap. The ambient sounds of monsoon washed over your senses, the smell of dampened soil and freshwater filling your nostrils with each breath, you inhaled deeply. A slight weight shifted upon your right shoulder, causing you to turn your head to face it.

A mildly soaked, blond-haired swordsman had rested his head upon your shoulder. He gazed out at the drenched world while thunder shook the pavilion itself. Thunder rolled and lightning struck, yet you felt not an ounce of fear. Neither felt fear, instead feeling at ease. The rain created perfect ambience, drowning out your thoughts. You wrapped your arm around Yanqing, your hand resting on his upper arm. You then began adorning his face and head in kisses. Each one meant something new, with a new memory and feeling in your mind for each time your lips touched him. A subtle giggle was audible over the wind and rain. A dorky smile plastered to your lips as you began to run your fingers through his dampened hair.
The warmth from Yanqing, the ambient cold from the Xianzhou Luofu, the rain, the soft echo of thunder and flashes of lightning; it was all perfect. Every moment, every action, every memory, and every feeling.

Mew..! Mew—!

Both heads shot up, peering out at the rainy setting. It didn't appear to have any lost animals, let alone what sounded like a kitten. You were tempted to ignore it, yet the thought of a sweet kitten being pelted with downpour, cold and afraid— it made you want to find it. Suddenly, the kitten made its way out of the bushes, where it promptly collapsed. It mewled and cried, its paws battering the rainy air. Yanqing's immediate reaction was to leap to his feet, rushing forth in a blur of blond. He crouched beside the kitten, eyeing the setting to locate the mother, yet she was nowhere to be seen. When the boy peered into the green foliage of the nearby bush, his expression dropped. He then quickly scooped the kitten into his arms, rushing back under the pavilion.
By that time, he'd begun dripping with how drenched he was. He looked chilled to the bone. You quickly removed your hoodie, revealing a simple shirt beneath it. Yanqing grinned at you.
Instead of using the hoodie as planned—to warm himself—, he wrapped it around the freezing kitten. Its frigid, pale, and feeble body rested in the warmth of your hoodie. You had to applaud Yanqing's smarts, seeing as he used to inside of the hoodie to wrap the kitten.

"Baby," you began as you inched closer to his side. "What was in the bushes?"
The roars of thunder passed the momentary silence. "Uhm, I don't think his momma made it." Said the somber boy.
You nodded your head, "Such is life," you then slowly rubbed the kitten's fur to generate heat. The tiny ball of orange flailed and scrambled at you, although its tiny mittens barely whacked you at all. "Things will live and die."
Yanqing hesitated a bit, "I kind of relate to this kitten. Where were my parents when I needed them?" He confessed with a heavy-hearted sigh.
You rested your chin on his shoulder, giving his jawline a swift kiss. "You can't make everyone like you. Not even your biological parents," you then leaned into him more, your left hand cupped over the kitty to give it warmth. "But that's okay. Life could be better or worse, but we should appreciate what we have. You've come so far and done so much— that's what really matters."

Now grinning like an idiot, Yanqing nodded his head a bit. "I feel like I'm carrying on the general's wishes by taking this kitten from the rain. Kind of like how he took me."
You beamed at the boy and the cat. "I think you were probably cuter than this cat."
"Cuter than the kitty?" Yanqing repeated in utter shock.
"Yeah," you snickered softly. "Much cuter."
Flushing bright red, Yanqing began to stare down at the bundle of fur in his lap. The cat was so precious and adorable— it was hard not to look at it. Your heart swelled with each tiny mewl and meow that came from it.

Yanqing quickly turned his head to face you, his free hand snatching yours. He leaned in, placing a soppy and inexperienced kiss on your lips. Being honest, you probably couldn't have done much better yourself. Your first kiss with him was heaven. It was perfection— just as you wished for it to be. As thunder rolled and lightning struck, you pulled away from the kiss.
"I love you." Said Yanqing.
You tenderly smiled, "I love you too, Darling." You then hoisted yourself to your feet, with Yanqing close behind.

"Let's get this kitty to the palace." He softly said.
You nodded in agreement, "We should name it something." Attachment was not a concern for you, really.
"Hmm.. we might get attached, though." Yanqing commented in a downbeat manner as he cradled the kitten and the hoodie in his arms.
"We can't release it anyways," you giggled a tad. "I have a feeling I might want to take this guy in. I've got the perfect little habitat for 'em."
Yanqing's eyes lit up with thousands of twinkling lights, afterwards followed by a giant grin. "Let's call it.. Shui. It means water."
Beaming at Yanqing's genius, you nodded eagerly. "Shui it is," you then took the kitten from the hoodie, handing it gently over to Yanqing. He accepted the tiny cat in his hands, looking a bit confused. You held your hoodie over his head, stepping out of the pavilion. "Ready to go?"

"Hehe, yeah."

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