[ GN!Reader ] ➜ Under Pressure

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                            - Against a powerful foe, you fall weakened by faintness

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                            - Against a powerful foe, you fall weakened by faintness. Lucky for you, Yanqing is never far.
                                    ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊
                                    ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ˚✩ ⋆。˚ ✩
                                    ┊ ┊ ┊ ✫
                                    ┊ ┊ ︎✧
                                    ┊ ┊ ✯
                                    ┊ . ˚ ˚✩

   A formidable foe..

The being stood at a staggering eight feet tall, its metallic body rusting off the aquamarine paint that was coating it prior. The being had chainsaws for hands, its entire body composed to look somewhat human. Each time the robotic creature took a step, the ground beneath your feet shuttered as though Jarilo-VI was heaving a massive sigh. Your hands clutched your attire, feeling your figure tremor and your heartbeat palpitate with pure terror. Adrenaline rushed through your veins as you backed away from the being, baring witness to it's slow, jagged movements that were once fluid as a flesh and blood being. However, this metallic beast motivated itself with bloodlust. As the chainsaws revved, reverberating against your skull, the roars of discontent mechanical parts began to cry out within Rivet Town. In spite of your horror, you drew your shimmering bat from your pocket. Hues filled with determination, you understood precisely what you needed to do.

The robot spun about, sparks flying off of it's chainsaws. It slashed its arms out at you, the rusted saws barely missing your leg as you lurched backwards. Sliding back on your heels, you gritted your teeth. Something wasn't quite right. Nonetheless, you regulated your breathing forcefully by inhaling and exhaling slowly to calm yourself. Palms sweating, figure trembling, you braced yourself to perform a risky counterattack. The beast advanced upon you, its limbs of metal flinching occasionally thanks to malfunctions within its worn, weathered system. Clouds of dust swirled into the air, tiny particles of illuminating Geomarrow flying passed your face.

Shit, I was too late—!

Upon realizing it, it was over. You had missed your counterattack. Your eyes locked onto the chainsaw blades that snarled as they eagerly soared towards your face. Thanks to your low-blood-pressure-condition, you always need to be saved. Just this once, you wanted to feel independent; like you didn't need to fall into Superman's arms every time. Yet this battle proved it. You're weak, aren't you?


Smoking violently like a restless tornado, the monstrosity of a robot clashed into the ground. The Underground shivered once more. You coughed upon the smoke, feeling your head swirling as though you had awakened a sense of orbit. The smoke parted in favor of a neutral-blond haired swordsman dressed in mostly blue. His muted-gold eyes looked furious upon spotting you. However, there was no time to be furious. You had quickly become cold, though sticky with sweat. Feeling extremely lightheaded and nauseous, you staggered backwards. Once your back met a wall, you slumped onto the ground with a brief huff. Yanqing rushed forth, crouching beside you. "Hey, are you okay? You're not supposed to do these things alone." He reminded you with his brows furrowed. Your limbs began to grow feeble, your bones feeling brittle.
"Yanqing— hey. Thanks." You offered him an awkward fist bump, heaving each breath from panic.
Yanqing shook his head with disapproval, "On a brighter side, I'm proud of you for standing up to that thing," he confessed as he dug into his messenger bag. He then retrieved a flask of water, offering it to you with a gentle smile. He unscrewed the cap, steadying the bottle(and your head) with his hands. You curled your appendages around the bottle, eagerly chugging the water. "Hey, my swords did the trick too!" Blurted he.

As you pushed the bottle away, you swallowed the water. You then broke into a broad smile. Though your vision was blurring, you understood that you could always take a rest. "Great job, Yanqing," you beamed at him. "Can I rest in your lap for a moment?"
He nodded his head, scooting closer to you as he tucked his legs beneath himself. He pat his lap with one hand, briefly chuckling as you rested your head upon his thighs. You shut your eyes to begin relaxing, allowing this episode to subside. Yanqing leaned into you, planting a sweet kiss upon your cheek. He began giggling to himself as he pat your head.

You were grateful that the confusion symptom failed to make an appearance. While low blood pressure can be scary, it doesn't always mean you have major health issues. Dehydration can cause low blood pressure, and it can be caused by genes in the family. As your heartbeat slowly ceased to pound relentlessly in your chest, the swirly feeling in your head following it, you began to smile.
"Your lap is really comfortable, Yanqing." You confessed randomly.
The boy began laughing, patting your head with a broad smile. "How is it comfortable?"
Playfully smacking his kneecap, you laughed a bit. "It's warm and cushiony. I like it here."
Yanqing silently nodded to himself, "Noted. We should get some fruit after this, it'll help with your episode!" His suggestion showed you that he truly cares.

Feeling your heart being warmed by his sense of kindness, you nodded whilst still resting in his lap. "Sure," stretching a bit, you slowly rose from your resting position. You sat in place for a brief moment, monitoring yourself in case your vision began blurring(one of the first signs of an episode). "Awesome, we're clear."
Yanqing leapt to his feet, offering your his hand. You accepted his aid, hoisting yourself to your feet with a giant grin. You leaned forth, kissing Yanqing's lips quickly. He immediately flushed red, laughing as he pecked your lips back. "Got you~!" Laughed he.
You tackled him into a hug, pressing his back against your chest. You nuzzled into his hair, your movements rather sluggish from before. You'd bounced back extremely fast, which was a good sign, but you were still moving rather cautiously to avoid fainting.

Yanqing slipped his hand into yours, laughing still as he occasionally leaned into you, planting a kiss on your lips when you least expected it. As you made an escape from Rivet Town, your hand in Yanqing's, you found the blood had rushed to your head in the form of a blush. Your blood pressure had lost this time, thanks to Yanqing.

"Hehe, I love you~ ooh, we should get strawberries!"
"I love you too! I can show you how to take the seeds of a strawberry out with just a sword, if you want."
"Holy sh— you can do that? Please, show me!"
"Yeah, I can!"

You learned how to de-seed a strawberry with a blade that day. Everyday, you can't help admiring how talented Yanqing is. He did it without issues, and you still can barely pluck a single seed.

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