The Deal With the Devil

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I ran down the hall of the cruise ship away from Romeo after stealing his key from him. He didn't know I had it yet, but I knew when he did he'd be close behind me. I found the room I shared with Romeo, Cameron, and Embry. I unlocked the door to the room and closed it behind me. When I walked into the room further Embry and Cameron were on one of the beds kissing. I just stared with my mouth open.

"Ew, Em you're not supposed to kiss other boys like that!" I said, getting their attention.

They both turned to look at me. I turned to leave and said, "I'm telling Ross!"

I opened the door and ran. I could hear Embry and Cameron close at my heels. I turned around to see how far behind they were and when I turned back around I ran right into Victoria. She grabbed my arm and stopped me.

"There you are! We have been looking everywhere for the three of you," Victoria said. "Where have you been?"

Embry and Cameron stared me down. I could out them to Victoria but I wanted to tell Ross first. His reaction would be a lot more fun. So I waited for them to answer, but they said nothing.

"Embry Jacob Lynch, come here this second!" Victoria yelled. When Embry walked over to her she looked closely at his neck. "Is that a hickey?"

I watched Cameron's face. The look on his face would have given them away if Victoria was paying attention to him. I saw him mouth "Shit." I tried so hard not to laugh at them. I looked at Embry and his eyes were as wide as saucers.

"Embry I expect an answer!" Victoria said.

I bit my tongue trying not to laugh. He was caught red handed. Come on Em, I thought, out yourself to Victoria.

"Well, Cameron and I met these girls in the teen club and they wanted to make out. So we brought them back to the room," Embry said. "Sorry mom. I know it was a stupid move."

"So let me get this straight not only did you make out with girls you just met. You brought them to your cabin to do so?" Victoria was angry. I could tell by her tone. I wanted to call Embry a liar but I didn't. She was mad enough at him for this lie.

She turned and looked at me and I knew I was in trouble too. "And you mister, why did you run off from Juliet and steal Romeo's key from the set?"

"I wanted to find Embry because he owed me a game of air hockey in the game room," I said looking at Embry. I had some good blackmail on him and I wasn't ready to reveal it just yet.

"Well, all three of you will be by my side the rest of the day as punishment, and I plan to lay by the pool and read until dinner," Victoria said.

We all groaned.

"But we had plans at the teen club!" Embry said.

"Well you don't now," Victoria said.

She gave us a few minutes to go in the room and grab a book or something else to do by the pool. When the door to the room closed behind me Cameron and Embry turned to look at me.

"Nice hickey!" I laughed.

"You know dude I hate your little brother at this moment in time!" Cameron glared at me.

"What's my not telling Ross worth to you?" I asked.

"Are you seriously gonna try and blackmail us?" Cameron asked.

"Yeah, I got dirt on every single person in this family now! Yours is by far the best though," I laughed evilly throwing my head back.

Embry really looked scared that I would tell. "What do you want?"

"You will do all my chores for a month," I said.

"A week," he tried to negotiate.

"Three weeks," I said back.

"Two weeks," Embry shot back.

"Deal," I agreed.

Just then Victoria came in the door and said, "Ready boys?"

We all followed her. It was going to be long afternoon. I heard Cameron say behind me, "Why do I feel like we just made a deal with the devil?"

"Because we did dude!" Embry answered.

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