The Truth Comes Out

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My heart was pounding in my chest like I was having a heart attack as I sat in my kitchen with all these people. People I had supposedly wronged and my parents expected me to apologize. Sad thing was I wasn't sorry for spying on them. They shouldn't keep such juicy secrets for me to find. I had done nothing wrong.

Earlier today Ross and Victoria made me stand in the doorway of my room while they went through all my belongings. Now the only thing in my room was my furniture and clothes. I had no electronics or anything to do. I was just expected to do schoolwork and read for the next two months. I was on house arrest like Romeo. They hated me now just like everyone else in this family.

"Okay you're all here because Montague has taken it upon himself to spy on you and record your secrets in his little book. Some of them we already know or are not really relevant anymore. A few of them though are things I feel you should know," Victoria began.

"We all knew he spied on us. We tried to tell you both several times how creepy he was but you didn't listen," Ryssa said.

"I just want to say I'm sorry for not listening to you guys. I was too caught up with the whole Cameron and Embry thing to see what was really going on," Ross said.

God he was a loser of epic proportions. How was he even my father? Please tell me I was adopted or Victoria had an affair with a James Bond type person and I was the result.

"I'll begin with what you need to know and then I'll give the rest of you the opportunity to look at the book. It will be your choice if you do or not," Victoria said.

I watched her push the book in Rydel's direction. Rydel looked at her and smiled nervously.

"Page eleven," Victoria told her.

Rydel flipped to page eleven and read it. "Savannah Marie Ratliff what do you have to say for yourself?"

"It was all Hailey's idea," she said.

Damn! She threw Hailey under the bus quick! This was better than I imagined it would be. I just wished some of the things in that book hadn't come to light on their own and I could have been the one to reveal them. I hated that I hadn't exposed some of those details myself.

"You agreed! You could have said no," Hailey shot back crossing her arms over her chest.

"God you don't have to be such a bitch about it," Savannah said.

"You through me under the bus and I'm being a bitch? I thought we were friends," Hailey shot back.

She looked away from Savannah to Victoria. "Can I go to my room now?"

"Yes I think that's a good idea," Victoria said.

I knew Hailey was grounded too, but not as long as me. Ross and Victoria were playing favorites.

"Now is there anything anyone wants to confess? I do know about Ross' pot stash and he has agreed to an outpatient rehab program for his problem since stopping on his own is not something he can do," Victoria announced.

I sat back and waited for the confessions to come spilling out of mouths. Liam was the first to speak.

"Ryssa and I are married," he blurted out.

Riker's head slowly spun around like he was possessed. The look on Liam's face was total terror. He got up and walked to the other side of the table to get away from Riker. I wondered if he was going to reveal the reason they had gotten married.

Liam took a deep breath. "And Ryssa is fourteen weeks pregnant with twins."

Everyone jumped as Riker pushed his chair back and it fell backwards making a clattering noise on the floor. Ross got up and stood in front of Riker trying hard to hold him back. Rocky came over to help. I looked at Liam and he looked like he was about to wet himself. I tried hard to stifle a laugh.

"Riker think before you do something you'll regret. Remember the advice you gave me the night I tried to kill Embry?" Ross said looking Riker in the eyes. "This is the father of your future grandchildren. Do you really want them to grow up without a father?"

"No," Riker said.

"Daddy, he was gonna propose on Christmas and then we found out about the babies. So we just eloped," Ryssa said calmly.

"Riker remember we did the same thing," Raelyn reminded him.

"Now I know how your dad would have felt if he had been alive," Riker sighed. "I need to get out of here. I can't stand anymore secrets for tonight."

I couldn't hold it back. A laugh left my mouth before I could stop it. Ross turned to glare at me and I stopped.

"Laugh again and I'll add a week to your punishment. None of this is a laughing matter!" Ross scolded me.

"Yes, sir," I said as politely as I could.

I looked up and Valerie was flipping through the book when she got to page nine she stopped. She looked up at Rocky and he looked at her nervously.

"Flip the page," I said unable to hold it in.

She did and she looked so disappointed. "We may need that number to the rehab place."

"I'll get it for you before you leave," Victoria said.

"Raelyn do you want it too?" Victoria asked.

"I knew. Riker is not very good at keeping secrets from me. He's already been," Raelyn said.

Ross looked at Riker like, really dude. Then I remembered he had said don't go home and tell Raelyn but like a little kid Riker had gone home and done just that.

"Now page seventeen should you choose to look at it Rocky confuses me but it may make perfect sense to you. I have no idea how you know her," Victoria said.

Rocky hesitated. I knew exactly what was on page seventeen. I had done the math. I was a math whiz. They had all known Sarah Sheppard twenty seven years ago. Then one day she had disappeared. Then she had told me and Tatianna we could never be more than friends because we were related.

He opened the book to the page and said, "Son of a bitch!"

Valerie looked at the page too and just began to cry. I hadn't expected that reaction. Why the hell was she crying? It had nothing to do with her.

"How many fucking kids do you have out there Rocky? God who knows how many fucking more there are we don't know about!" she yelled.

"Look she never told me! We never knew why she left. They just moved away!" he yelled back.

"But first Fender and now this woman," Valerie screamed.

Wait, what did this have to do with Fender? Was there a secret I didn't know? Then I realized Valerie wasn't really Fender's mother. If she wasn't his mother then who was?

"You took responsibility for Fender. He's as much your son as he is mine!" Rocky screamed back.

Everyone's eyes just followed them back and forth as they screamed at each other.

"And I love him. You're right he's my son. I think you and Sarah need to have a conversation and figure out what you want to do. I would suggest you start with a paternity test," Valerie said more calmly.

After that everyone slowly left and I was sent back to my room. I laid on my bed and stared at the ceiling. It was going to be a long two months.


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