Savannah and the Quarterback

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I sat in science class and stared at him. He didn't even know I existed. He was so dreamy. I began to daydream about him as the teacher talked about some stupid project we had to do. I hated school and I never was a good student. I did enough to get by and made fairly good grades, mostly B's and C's. Maybe I could act like the dumb blonde to see if he could tutor me in science but I wasn't even sure if he was any better at science than I was. So that idea might not work.

"Hi, Savannah right?"

I looked up and he was standing in front of me. I panicked for a minute and couldn't find my voice. I had to say something and fast but I was suddenly mute.

"Yes," I managed.

"You wanna be partners for this project?" he asked.

"Sure," I choked out.

"I'm Peyton by the way," he said.

"Oh I know who you are."

Oh god that was so uncool. I didn't know what else to say. He was smiling at me and I wanted to melt into the desk. We talked a little about the project and I gave him my number so he could call me to set up a time to work on the project. The bell rang and he said, "Later, Savannah," then turned to leave the classroom.

I sat there a minute unable to trust my legs to stand. Had that just happened? I had never given a guy my number before but it didn't mean anything. I had to tell myself that. It was just for a school science project and nothing else. He was super popular and quarterback on the football team. What would he want with a nobody like me? No one knew my name. I was always in Dacia's shadow. I was just Dacia and Emerson Ratliff's little sister.

I got up. It was the last class of the day so I went to my locker and just stood there staring at the lock. I couldn't remember my combination. I really needed to get it together. I sighed as I saw my best friend Claire coming towards me. I finally remembered my combination and opened my locker pulling out my geometry book. I had homework and I would have to ask Emerson for help. He was the math whiz and I was so lost in this class.

"Were you really just talking to Peyton Hemsworth?" Claire asked.

"Yeah so?" I said trying to act cool about it. On the inside though I wanted to jump up and down and scream at the top of my lungs.

"He is so cute!" she squealed.

"It was just about a science project we're working on together," I shrugged.

"Are you blind or something? I saw the way he was looking at you and the way he looks at you when you're not looking," Claire gushed.

"What do you mean? I thought he was dating Kelly what's her name. You know the cheerleader," I said as I slammed the locked and stuffed my book in my backpack.

"They broke up like a week ago," Claire said like I was stupid for not knowing the school gossip.

"Oh I didn't know that. I don't keep track of gossip. You know that."

"Well rumor has it he has his sights set on someone new," she smiled at me.

"Who?" I asked.

"I don't know. This girl named Savannah Ratliff."

It actually took me a minute to remember that was my name. He couldn't be into me. She had to be lying. Someone like him would never be into someone like me. He had a reputation as a party boy and I was little miss innocent. We literally had nothing in common. He was probably just going to use me to get close to Dacia. If that was his plan it wouldn't work. She was attached to Dash Swift's hip.

I said goodbye to Claire and promised to text her if Peyton called me. I walked over to Emerson's car and waited for him. I knew it was Friday so Dash was picking up Dacia for their date night and Chapin had detention again. So it was just me and Emerson on the way home.

He came to the car and we drove home in silence. Once we were home I got out of the car and ran in the house and up the stairs to my room. Just as I fished my phone out of my bag it buzzed. There was a text from a number I didn't recognize.

Hey can we get together tomorrow to work on the project?

It had to be from Peyton. He was texting me already. My heart beat faster as I sent him a text back.

Savannah: Sure where and when?

Peyton: It can't be my house. Both my parents are working and I'm not allowed to have anyone over when they're not home

Savannah: Do you always abide by that rule?

Peyton: TBH no

Savannah: You can come over here. One of my parents is always home

Peyton: okay what time?

Savannah: 2?

Peyton: where do you live?

I sent him my address.

Peyton: see you at 2 tomorrow

Savannah: okay

I was nervous all day Saturday. When the doorbell rang at a little before two I ran down the stairs to answer the door but Emerson got there first. I stopped at the bottom of the stairs and watched him open the door.

"Is Savannah here?" I heard Peyton ask.

"Yeah," Emerson said just standing there in the doorway.

I rolled my eyes and walked to the door. "Move out of the way dickhead and let him in," I said from behind Emerson.

"Why is Peyton Hemsworth here to see you?" Emerson asked.

"For your information we are working on a science project together," I shot back at him.

"Leave the door open," Emerson yelled as we went up the stairs.

"Kiss my ass!" I yelled back as I shut the door behind me.

We worked on the science project for a couple of hours getting our ideas together. Then he said he had to go so he could pick up his little sister from a friend's house. I walked him out and we stood on the porch awkwardly for a minute.

"Would you like to go to a movie with me tomorrow afternoon?" he asked.

"Yeah I'd like that," I said as calmly as I could manage.

Then he kissed me. It was just a little kiss but I got butterflies in my stomach. When he pulled away I reluctantly let go of his hand I hadn't even realized I was holding. I watched him go. I walked back into the house with a big smile on my face and sat down on the couch. I could feel Emerson watching me but I just sat there and smiled.

"What's going on with her?" Chapin came into the living room followed by my mom.

"Seyton is going on," Emerson laughed.

"What's Seyton?" my mom asked.

"Their ship name, you know like Rydellington?" Emerson answered.

"Why Seyton?" Chapin asked.

"You know Savannah and Peyton makes Seyton," Emerson rolled on the couch laughing.

"Grow up Emerson," I said as I walked out of the living room.

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