Dinner With the Stevens Family

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At exactly six o'clock on the dot I showed up at Lilliana's house with my parents for dinner. Although the Stevens family had been to our house many times, my parents had never been to the Stevens' home. Victoria was nervous and she was making me nervous. She kept asking Ross on the way here if he was sure it was okay to bring wine to the preacher's house. I had of course sat in the back seat and rolled my eyes at her. Had she really forgotten how much champagne Mrs. Stevens had consumed at Hailey's wedding?

Ross knocked on the door and Lilliana answered the door. No one said a word as we followed Lilliana into the living room. It had been two months since we had spoken with Cameron and Embry about baby plans. It was a done deal by now though and everything was in place for the baby to be theirs. Lilliana and I had both signed away our parental rights and were told we had up to six months after the baby was born to change our minds. Both of us knew we would never do that to Cameron and Embry.

Our parents sat down to talk and Lilliana took my hand and led me out by the pool. I could tell she was nervous about telling them all about the baby but our plan was already in place. So, she had nothing to worry about. We sat down side by side on the chaise lounge and she took in a deep breath. She grabbed my hand and squeezed as she exhaled. I knew once we told them, Ross was going to freak out and Victoria was probably going to cry. I had no idea what Lilliana's parents would do or how they would take it.

"I told Lincoln today when I talked to him," Lilliana finally spoke.

All I knew about Lincoln was he was her brother and he had had a falling out with her dad about six years ago. She and her mom still talked to him but her dad hadn't spoken to him since he left home. Apparently, according to Cameron and Embry he was some big gay porn star. They had even gone as far as trying to show me a video when they found out he was Lilliana's brother.

"He said he was proud of us for making such a grown-up decision," she said as she started to cry.

I grabbed her hand and she looked at me. I hated to see her cry. "We made the right decision Lils. We will have kids of our own someday just not now."

"I know but..." she stopped talking when her mom came outside to say it was time for dinner.

We all sat down for dinner. Family dinners at Lilliana's house were so different from my house. It was so quiet. There was no chaos or kids running around, no yelling parents. Some cello music played in the background as Mrs. Stevens served everyone. Victoria offered to help and Mrs. Stevens refused it. When Mrs. Stevens finally sat down, we started to eat.

"So, Montague do you and Lilliana have any big plans for Valentine's Day?" Mr. Stevens asked.

"No not really," I replied. "We were planning on going to Berkley to help Cameron and Embry move."

"Oh, where are they moving to?" he asked.

"Back to LA," Victoria answered for me. She was so excited to have Embry back in LA. I had no idea why he wanted to move back though. He was the only one who got away from here. Something about a big promotion for him as Captain. He got that excited tone in his voice when he talked about it and I tuned him out.

"Make sure your being safe in Berkley," Mr. Stevens warned us.

I choked on my food as he said that. I downed my water glass and slammed it on the table a little too hard. I felt all eyes on me as I looked up. Everyone was staring at me like I had done something wrong. I didn't know what to say which was probably a first for me. I always knew what to say and had a snappy comeback for everything. I felt Liliana put her hand on my thigh and applied pressure digging her fingers into me. She was trying hard to calm me down but it wasn't working. All it did was make me feel even more pressure in my chest. Is this what a panic attack felt like? I looked at Lilliana and she seemed so calm and had it so together.

"Sorry," I said in a soft voice I didn't recognize.

"Is something going on between the two of you?" Ross asked.

I just stared at him. I had made a promise to him and Victoria after the book of secrets thing that I wouldn't keep any more secrets from them. I hadn't for the most part. I mean they didn't need to know all the intimate details of my life. Some things I keep to myself. Like I would never tell Ross I had slept with Brady. I couldn't keep this secret from them any longer though. But telling them was going to be the hardest thing I had ever done. I glanced over at Lilliana and her eyes were downcast as she stared at the table like she wanted it to swallow her whole or something.

"Well you see it all started when we got back together on the cruise and we weren't exactly safe then or for the whole cruise for that matter then in December after we got back from the cruise Lilliana found out she was pregnant and them we went to see if Cameron and Embry would take the baby and they said yes," I said all in one breath.

"Um...what?" Victoria asked.

"Cameron and Embry are going to have a baby?" Mr. Stevens asked. "How is that possible?"

"No Michael. Cameron and Embry are going to adopt someone's baby," Mrs. Stevens explained

"So, what does that have to do with the two of you?" Ross asked.

Victoria sighed. "Really guys? Cameron and Embry are going to adopt their baby. Lilliana is pregnant."

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