My Big Fat Fabulous Gay Wedding

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I couldn't stop my hands from shaking as I tried to do my tie. I had waited for this day ever since I met Embry ten years ago. I had known back then I was different and as I got older my attraction to my best friend grew into so much more than a best friend relationship. He was still my best friend but now he was my reason for living. I gave up on the tie and stared at myself in the mirror.

Thanks to my mom my hair was perfect. She had even managed to conceal the dark circles under my eyes but she didn't have anything in that magic bag of hers to get rid of the butterflies in my stomach. I could see her sitting on the couch behind me in this little room. She glanced up from her purse and our eyes locked in the mirror. She came over to where I was standing by the mirror and set the small box in her hand on the table. She tried to fix my tie but I could see her hands trembled almost as much as mine.

"God mom please don't cry," I said as I noticed tears in her eyes.

"I can't help it. In an hour my only child will be a married man," she sobbed.

I looked up as the door opened and my dad walked into the room. My dad was one of those kind of people who everyone noticed when he came into a room. He had this presence about him that made everyone stop and look his way. My mom stepped aside and got a tissue from the desk to wipe her eyes. He tied my tie like it was nothing. My dad had the steadiest hands in the world. I had never once seen his hands shake in my life, but I guess that was a good thing considering he was a brain surgeon.

"Cam are you wearing make up?" he asked looking at me like he was examining my face.

"Yeah," I replied.

"He had really bad dark circles under his eyes," my mom added.

My dad turned to look at her and she cast her eyes downward. Since Embry and I had gotten into the dominant and submissive lifestyle, I had noticed some of it mimicked my parents' relationship. Looking back, I saw now my mom had always been submissive to my dad. He gave her some of the same looks I gave Embry sometimes. One thing I never doubted though was my parents' love for each other. I wanted to have the same kind of love and respect with Embry. They trusted each other completely and I knew Embry had to trust me completely because of some of the stuff he let me do to him.

There was another knock on the door and my dad said, "Come in."

Ross opened the door slowly. "It's time. Are you ready?"

"Yes," I answered.

"Wait," my mom said as she walked over the table to retrieve the small box she had set there.

I took it from her as she handed it to me. I opened the box and looked at the two rings inside. They were exactly the same as far as I could tell.

"One belonged to your grandfather and the other I had made is an exact duplicate," she explained.

I couldn't help the tears that formed in my eyes. I had been really close to my grandpa when I was little. When he died suddenly when I was fourteen I was devastated. He had been the first person I had come out to. All he had done was smile and say that's just the way God made you. I was twelve and I never forgot that moment.

"I'll make sure these are in the right place," Ross said as I handed him the rings.

I wiped the tears from my eyes with the tissue my mom handed me. She hugged me and I hugged my dad. They left to take their seats and I inhaled and exhaled before entering the hallway where I knew Embry was waiting on me. I hadn't seen him since last night when I walked home from his house after the game. I walked out into the hallway and his back was to me. He looked so calm, so un Embry like. I was usually the calm and in control one.

He sensed my presence and turned to face me. I loved the way his face lit up when he saw me. Once I was beside him I grabbed his hand. We watched as the wedding party started up the aisle towards Fender who was officiating the wedding. Soon it was our turn. I noticed the chairs were set up in a circle so I didn't have to look over the edge of the cliff the whole time. I had voiced my concerns and my fear of heights when Embry chose this location. Now the fact that he had set it up this way eased my anxiety a little.

Once we stood in front of Fender he began:

"We are gathered here today to celebrate the love of two people that are truly made for each other. We all knew it the first time they met ten years ago this day would eventually come. True love like these two have found is a blessing. When you find the person you are made for you should celebrate it," Fender glanced at Audrey.

"So should there be anyone who has cause why this couple should not be united in marriage, shush! Because if you don't ship this you're not a part of this family."

"So let's begin. Cameron repeat after me. I, Cameron Axel Miller take you Embry Jacob Lynch to be my husband," Fender said.

"I, Cameron Axel Miller take you Embry Jacob Lynch to be my husband," I repeated.

"My partner in life and my one true love. I will cherish our friendship and love you today, tomorrow, and forever," Fender said.

I repeated it as I stared into Embry's eyes. I noticed he didn't stop the tears that slid down his cheeks.

"Embry repeat after me. I, Embry Jacob Lynch take you Cameron Axel Miller to be my husband," Fender looked at Embry.

Embry held my hand as he repeated the words to me.

"My partner in life and my one true love. I will cherish our friendship and love you today, tomorrow, and forever," Fender said.

Embry repeated the words.

"Cameron do you take Embry to be your husband? Do you promise to love, honor, cherish and protect him, forsaking all others and holding only unto him?" Fender asked.

"I do," I said.

"Embry do you take Cameron to be your husband? Do you promise to love, honor, cherish and protect him, forsaking all others and holding only unto him?" Fender asked Embry.

"I do," Embry said.

I heard my mom sobbing as Fender asked Ansel Diddy for the rings. He placed them in his palm and handed them to us. I took Embry's first and looked him in the eyes as I placed the ring on his finger.

"This is where we agreed to write our own vows and anyone who knows me knows I am not a writer. I have a hard time expressing my feelings. Everything I tried to write seemed sappy and out of character for me. That being said here it goes. Embry, I love you with all my heart. You have been my best friend since I was nine years old. I can't imagine life without you by my side. So with this ring I promise to be with you till death do us part," I said.

Embry took my ring from Fender's hand and placed it on my finger. "As everyone knows I struggled with how I really felt about you for a long time. I was so afraid of what my family would think. I honestly never thought this day would come. Cameron, I have been in love with you since I was thirteen years old and I promise I will never love anyone else as much as I love you. So with this ring I promise to be with you for life or longer," Embry finished with tears streaming down his face.

"Now by the power vested in me by the internet and the state of California I now pronounce you husband and husband, you may kiss," Fender said.

I kissed Embry quick on the lips just like he had requested. For once I had done something he had asked instead of the other way around.

"I now present to you Cameron and Embry Lynch-Miller," Fender announced.

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