Anything To Make Her Happy

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I waited in my parked jeep on the street a few houses down from Caroline's house. She had told me on the phone her dad said she couldn't go with me tonight. Then she called back and said she was going to sneak out when he went to bed. I couldn't believe after three years her dad still didn't trust me. He should know by now I wasn't going anywhere. I was so in love with Caroline and I had been since that day I first kissed her by her camper. My phone buzzed breaking me away from my thoughts. I looked down to see a text from Caroline saying she was on her way.

"Will you at least tell me where we are going?" Caroline asked as I pulled onto the highway.

"No it's a surprise," I said as I grabbed her hand and held it as I drove.

I glanced at her quickly and smiled. She had learned early on when I got this jeep to put her hair up whenever she went somewhere with me because I hardly ever had the top on. Usually only when I knew it was going to rain.

I was taking her on this surprise trip because it was the last time I'd see her for a while. Ryssa had decided she was up for it so we had announced some tour dates this summer. Our parents had decided to make a no girlfriends or boyfriends rule after last summer so I couldn't invite her. I wasn't sure how I was going to spend two whole months without her. To me it wasn't a fair rule, all of us expect for Embry were adults now, why did they still think it was okay to tell us what to do?

When I pulled into the parking lot at the Santa Monica Pier Caroline looked at me funny. I just smiled at her. She looked at little confused as I parked, got out, and walked around to her side of the car to open the door for her. I held out my hand and she took it as she hopped down.

"Emerson there's no one here. Why are we here? Isn't it closed?" she asked.

I sent the text saying we were here to the number my dad had given me and the lights came on. I took Caroline's hand as we walked to the entrance of the pier. I could feel the excitement radiating off of her as we got to the entrance.

"You must be Ellington's kid," the guy at the gate said. "You look just like him."

"Yeah, I'm Emerson," I said shaking his hand.

"I'm Greg. Everything is set up for you by the Ferris wheel," he said.

Caroline laced her fingers in mine as we walked to the Ferris wheel. I knew that she loved the Ferris wheel and even though I had a fear of heights I was willing to do this to make her happy. She actually squealed as we stood in front of it. The operator let us on and told us we could ride as long as we wanted.

Once we started to move and got closer to the top I panicked a little and Caroline grabbed my hand. "What can I do to make you enjoy this as much as I do?"

"Just hold my hand. It helps a lot. Tonight isn't about me. It's all about you," I said as she squeezed my hand.

"I love you Emerson," she said as she kissed my cheek.

"How much do you love me?" I asked.

I reached my hand out and stroked her hair tucking a piece of hair behind her ear that had fallen from her ponytail. She leaned in and our lips met. As we kissed I put my hand at the base of her neck and ran my hand up to her ponytail and pulled her hair free. I ran my fingers through it until it fell softly down her back. She had the most beautiful hair and I loved to run my fingers through it.

The position we were sitting in was a little awkward so Caroline straddled me never breaking the kiss. She finally broke the kiss and kissed down my neck. I rocked my hips as she reached my collar bone and she let out one of her cute little moans. I grabbed the back of her hair and pulled her closer crashing my lips onto hers. As our kiss began more heated she ground her hips into mine more and more.

"We can't do this here," I said.

"Why not?" she asked.

"Well I don't have a condom on me for one," I said.

There was no way I was doing anything without one and she knew that. I wasn't ready to be a dad. I mean I knew someday I'd marry her and have kids with her. But today was not that day. I didn't want to leave her for two months and that be on my mind the whole time.

She smiled like she understood.

We decided to get off the Ferris wheel and I signaled to the guy we were ready to get off. After we got off we walked on the beach hand in hand for a little while and made out some more under the boardwalk. That heated up quickly and she had me so turned on I was almost ready to say fuck the condom and take her right there. She stopped it though and we stood under the boardwalk trying to catch our breath before heading back to the jeep.


Emerson dropped me off where he had picked me up. I glanced at my phone as I walked back to my house. It was just after two in the morning. I smiled when I thought about Emerson and the Ferris wheel. He was such an amazing boyfriend. I knew he was afraid of the Ferris wheel but he had done it for me to make the night special for me. I had the best boyfriend in the world.

I climbed up the fire ladder my dad had installed on my bedroom. He was so afraid of us having a fire and me getting caught upstairs with no way out. Guess he never thought I'd use it to sneak out. I fell into the room when my foot got caught. I got up and went over to the night stand and turned on the lamp. As light filled the room I saw him sitting on my bed.

"Did you have fun?" my dad asked.

"Yeah why are you in my room?" I asked him.

"Well I came in to check on you because that's what good parents do in the middle of the night, and you were gone," he said.

Shit, I hadn't thought of that. I had never snuck out before. I had just wanted to spend some time alone with Emerson before he left. I wasn't thinking about him coming in here. I honestly never knew he did that. If I was still little I would think it was sweet but now since I was almost nineteen it was just creepy. He was really a 'my house, my rules' kind of guy. What he said next surprised me though.

"I realize you are growing up and I need to give you a little more freedom. In few months you'll be going away to college with Emerson and I won't be there to tell you what to do. I should ground you but I also know that Emerson won't be around the next couple of months so that really would be pointless. Since you can't see him anyway," my dad said as he got up and left my room.

I sent Emerson a text to tell him I made it in to my room safely because I knew he was waiting on it before he would leave. He sent one back saying he loved me and would call me when he got home. I got ready for bed, climbed in and waited for his call.

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