It's Not What You Think

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As I sat here on my porch and waited for Chapin, I wondered what in the world she wanted to talk about. When I had gotten her text earlier I was a little surprised. She never contacted me and to be honest I was surprised she even had my number in the first place. I glanced at the time on my phone and saw that it was almost one.

I glanced up at Embry's window. I was worried about him. He was usually the first one up even on a Sunday morning but today he had yet to come downstairs. No one else seemed worried in the least. They just went about their daily routine like they didn't even know he wasn't up. I thought maybe I was missing something.

I looked down and Chapin was coming up the steps. She sat down next to me on the porch swing. She had a strange look on her face. She stared at the ground as we pushed the swing back and forth. I could tell she was trying to think of exactly how to say whatever it was she wanted to say.

"I don't know how to say this so I'm just gonna come right out and say it. I think Cameron is abusing Embry," she blurted out.

I looked at her. There was no way that was happening. The two of them loved each other so fiercely. I mean there were the hickeys that were a little out of control but Embry never tried to hide them. I couldn't see Cameron purposely abusing Embry. Sure at times their relationship was a little too co-dependent but there was no doubt how much they loved each other.

"Why do you say that?" I asked.

"Last night when we were playing a game Cameron was acting weird. He got super jealous when Embry kissed Aimee and it was just a game. Then he acted like he was really mad like mad enough to punch Embry. It also seemed like the more Embry spoke the madder he got. I mean his hands were actually twitching. I mean and there are other little things. Cameron seems very controlling over him."

"Chapin I'm sure it's not what you think," I told her, but she had me worried. Surely Embry wouldn't put up with any abuse after what he saw Dacia go through with Lachlan. I had to agree with Chapin on one fact though Cameron and Embry's relationship had a very different dynamic than any I had ever seen.


I laid in my bed and smiled as I thought about last night with Cameron. It had been better than the night I had almost broken up with him over Kat's kiss. He knew I liked it rough and he took great pleasure in making it as aggressive as possible.

I threw the covers back and groaned as I swung my legs over the bed. God my back and my right hip were so sore. I looked down and just above my boxers I could see part of the bruise that was forming in the shape of Cameron's hand. I looked at my reflection in the mirror and noticed the hickeys on my neck. It was practically covered my neck. There was no hiding that. I laughed when I thought about how pissed my dad would be when he saw it. I had like really deep scratch marks on my shoulders from where Cameron had dug his nails in to my skin.

I jumped when my door swung open and Juliet walked in. She gasped when she saw my back which was facing the door. I had no idea what it looked like but from her gasp I assumed it was part bad.

"Embry what the fuck?" she finally said.

"Knock much?" I asked.

She came into the room and shut the door behind her. Juliet never had the courtesy to knock when coming into a room. She looked away from my back and our eyes met. She had concern in her eyes like I was some kind of abuse victim. She walked around my bed and sat down beside me grabbing my hand.

"Embry Chapin is concerned that Cameron is abusing you and after seeing your back so am I," she said.

"Jules it's not like that," I tried to reassure her.

"What's' that supposed to mean?" she asked with that concern again.

"Trust me it's all consensual," I told her.

"How is him beating you consensual?" she asked.

I thought for a minute about how to explain it to her. I knew like most of my family she was a vanilla type of girl when it came to sex. She would never even think about half the stuff Cameron and I had tried. Just thinking about it made me want to rush over to his house and have a little extra time together before he left to go back to Berkeley.

"I don't know how to explain to someone who doesn't know about the lifestyle," I started.

"Well try because right now I want to kill Cameron for hurting my baby brother."

I sighed. "Well it all started about a year ago. When it comes to sex Cameron has always been a bit rough and dominating. It all started out slow. The bites on my neck and various parts of my body. He started tying me up and blindfolding me. I like submitting to him. Then the night I left school and drove to Berkeley he was really mad at me. He had "punished" me before but that was the night he gave me a safe word to use."

"A what?" Juliet asked confused.

"A safe word is a word that if I say he has to stop what he's doing immediately no questions asked," I explained.

"So you let him do this to you?"

"Yes and don't worry okay if I didn't all I have to do is say so and all play stops," I reassured her.

"So what did he do this with?" she asked as she pointed to my back.

"Last night it was a riding crop, but he's used multiple things in the past," I explained.

"Like what?" she asked curiously.

"His belt, his hands of course, and a flogger."

I was so afraid I was opening up something here. Juliet seemed to have a genuine curiosity. She was so intrigued. She was asking more questions than I thought she would. I thought I could just tell her not to worry I knew what I was doing and it would be over with. But then again this was Juliet and nothing was ever that simple with her.

I didn't know how to explain what a flogger was to her. So I grabbed my phone off the nightstand and googled it. I showed her the picture of the exact one Cameron had. Her eyes got really big and she looked from me to the phone and back to me again.

"You let him hit you with that?"

I sighed. She was asking way too many questions now. I loved her but I didn't want to talk about my sex life with her. I got up off the bed and headed to the bathroom. As I shut the door trying to tell her this conversation was over she yelled, "Can we talk more about this later?"

I sighed again and rolled my eyes as I started the shower. I hoped she was gone when I came out.


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