Riding In Cars with Drunk Boys

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The party was in full swing when Juliet and I arrived. Juliet spotted a group of her friends and left me standing by myself by the stairs. I can't believe I had actually agreed to come to this stupid party with her. This was not my scene. I saw my friend Justin by the keg and went over to him.

"Hey Bro, what's up?" Justin said.

I could tell he was already wasted. I could barely stand the smell of his breath and he was way too close to my face. He handed me a red solo cup and I smelled it. It was beer of some sort. I took a big long drink trying not to cough and spit it everywhere. I downed that drink and grabbed another one as Justin and I walked away from the keg.

"So where does your dad think you and Juliet are?" Justin asked me as we walked outside.

"Church youth group," I answered.

"Is your dad really that gullible?" Justin asked as we stopped.

I shrugged. Then I noticed her coming across the lawn. She was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. She had long brown hair with pink tips. Her smile was so bright as she smiled at me. I had to know who she was. I had never seen her before and since most of my schooling was now done on the show I didn't get to see my friends much.

"Dude who's that?" I asked as I motioned to the girl.

"Oh that is Mabel Winchester. She's new this year. Just moved here from Tennessee," Justin filled me in.

"Hi I saw you from across the lawn and you look so familiar, but I can't think of where I know you from?" Mabel said in her southern drawl.

"Ever watch Disney Channel?" Justin asked.

"Sometimes, why?" Mabel was confused.

"No reason," Justin said as he walked away leaving me standing there with Mabel.

"So, Mabel that's an interesting name," I said trying to make conversation.

This girl made me nervous and girls normally didn't do that. I usually had smooth things to say and made them laugh. Why was this one so different? She reached out and touched my arm and an electric current shot through me. She jerked her hand away quickly and I knew she felt it too.

"Sweet lord baby Jesus! You're Romeo Lynch from Life with Daxton. I love that show!"

Great now she was fangirling! I sighed. I reached out and grabbed her hand. "Let's dance."

I dragged her to the place where everyone else was dancing. Mabel had some serious dance moves and I felt lame dancing with her. I tried to follow her, but I just looked clumsy. I was glad when a slow song came on and I pulled her closer. She put her arms around my neck and I rested my hands on her hips as we swayed to the music.


As the music played I moved my hips to the beat. I could see a really good looking blonde guy watching me from across the room. He made eye contact with me and walked towards me.

"Hi, I'm Denver," he said.

"Hi, I'm Juliet," I said.

"Like in Romeo and Juliet?" Denver asked.


"She even has a twin brother named Romeo," my friend Gabi informed him.

"No shit?" Denver asked.

I just nodded.

"Can I get you a fresh drink Juliet?" Denver asked as he took my empty cup from me.

"Just a coke please. I'm my brother's designated driver tonight."

"No problem," he said as he walked to the makeshift bar.

"Damn I wouldn't mind a few hours alone with that one!" my friend Layla said.

"Back off slut I saw him first," I said as I gave her a friendly shove.

Denver came back with my drink and a few friends. He introduced his friends as Finn and Chandler.

"Just call me Chan, Chan the party man!" Chandler announced.

Three drinks later I was feeling a little woozy. I leaned up against the wall. I couldn't seem to stand up straight. What is wrong with me? I had to find Romeo and get out of here and soon. There was no way I could go home like this. Romeo would already be chancing it by walking in drunk. I was only half following the conversation so I had no idea where the guys went when they walked away. At this point I really didn't care.

"Juliet are you okay?" Gabi asked.

"Yeah, I think. I just feel a little dizzy and I haven't been drinking anything but coke," I answered.

"Maybe Denver is spiking your drinks," Layla suggested.

"I need to go lay down, before I pass out," I said.

Layla and Gabi led me up the stairs. The stairs were hard to go up because the room was spinning. They were so blurry I could barely see them. We found an empty room and I crawled onto the bed and passed out.


"You wanna get out of here?" I asked Mabel.

"Sure," she answered.

I grabbed her hand and led her through the party to my car. I opened the door for her and she climbed in the passenger seat. Once I was in the driver's seat, my tires squeaked as I went down the street. I had no idea where I was going as I made my way to the highway.

"How fast can this car go?" Mabel asked.

"Dunno, let's see," I said as I sped up.

I passed other cars and weaved in and out of traffic as I got faster and faster. I glanced down at the speedometer for a split second and it said I was going one hundred and twenty. I tried to slow down but it was too late. I slammed into the car in front of me. We were hit from behind and my head slammed against the window as the airbag deployed. That was the last thing I remembered.


I looked at the time on my phone. It was 11:30. Romeo and Juliet should have been home at 11:00. They had never been late before. I called the youth minister but got his voice mail. I was starting to worry. Where the hell are they? They are so grounded when they get home.

I jumped when my phone rang in my hand. "Hello?"

"I'm looking for Ross Lynch," the lady on the other end said.

"This is him," I said.

"Hi Mr. Lynch this is Nurse Jackson from Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. Your son Romeo has been in a car accident. I need you to get here as soon as possible," she said.

"Um okay I'll be there as soon as I can," I said in shock.

"I'll fill you in on all the details when you get here just ask for me."

I hung up and stood there in shock. I had to move but I couldn't. What if something was seriously wrong with him? What if he was dead?

"VICTORIA!" I screamed.

She came running into the room. "What is it Ross?"

"Romeo's been in a car accident we have to go to the hospital."

"Let me go tell Embry to watch Hailey and Montague and we'll go," she said running from the room in the same direction she came from.

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