All Our Actions Have Consequences

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I paced my room as Tatianna sat on my bed. I could feel her watching me and I felt like she was judging me. Even though I knew she was my best friend and she would never do that. I never judged her for her choices and she had made a lot I didn't agree with, like the whole polyamorous relationship with Brady. That had totally blown up in her face like I told her it would. I sighed as I thought about the choices I had made that day back on the cruise ship with Montague. Neither of us had really been thinking properly and now I was sure we would pay for it. We had had unprotected sex not once but twice that week on the cruise ship.

"It's been three minutes," Tatianna reminded me.

Her eyes followed me as I walked into the bathroom and stared at the counter, or more like what was on the counter. Tears filled my eyes as I read the word pregnant to myself. I sank to the ground and pulled my legs up to my chest. I wrapped my arms around my legs and sobbed. What was I going to do? My parents were going to kill me. Thanks to Montague's comment on the cruise ship my dad knew we were having sex. I thought about Montague as I sat there. What would he say when I told him? Would he stand by me in any decision I made?

I heard him come into the room. I knew he would be smiling because my parents were allowing us to go spend the weekend in Berkley with Cameron and Embry for my eighteenth birthday. Now this weekend would be tainted with a bad decision we should have never made. I got up off the floor and brush my teeth. When I was done, I put my toothbrush and toothpaste in my bag. I walked out of the bathroom with my bag in one hand and the pregnancy test in the other.

Tatianna looked from me to Montague and said, "I'll leave so the two of you can talk."

I looked at Montague as he watched her leave with a confused look on his face. I sat down my bag by the door and turned to face Montague. He was standing by the bed with that same puzzled. I sighed as fresh tears came to my eyes. I couldn't from the words to tell him so with my shaky hand I held out the test to him. His eyes got really big as he stared down at it. He took it from me and stared at it like it was going to bite him.

"Fuck," Montague cussed as he sank down to the bed. He put his head in his hand and sighed.

I went over and sat down next to him at the bed. Neither of us said anything as we stared at the floor. It was a relief to know he was as dumbfounded as I was about this. We turned to look at each other at the same time. He sighed and reached out to grab my hand. I laced our fingers together. It was good and reassuring to have his hand in mine. I knew he wasn't going to leave me alone to deal with this.

"I'm not ready to be someone's father," he said.

"Well we have seven months to get ready," I shot back sassier than I intended.

"Do you really want to have this baby?" he asked.

I got up off the bed and pulled my hand away from him. Why was he being such an asshole? I sat in the desk chair across the room and faced him.

"Not having it is not an option for me," I said.

He closed his eyes and avoided looking at me. This was not how I hoped the conversation would go. I had no idea what I expected him to say or do. I needed him to say something though this silence was killing me. I was so afraid he was just going to leave and I would never see him again. If he wasn't here to support me my parents would probably send me away and force me to give the baby up once it was born. I needed him here with me.

"We could give it up for adoption," Montague suggested like it was the obvious solution to everything.

"And have it raised by strangers?" I asked.

"We could have an open adoption so we could see it," Montague said as he got up and kneeled at my feet.

"Wait haven't Cameron and Embry been considering adopting?" I asked.

"Yes," Montague said not following me.

"So we could ask them to adopt the baby. We'll be there this weekend and it would be a way to keep the baby close to us," I explained.

"Okay but let's not tell anyone else until we talk to them," Montague said.

I agreed and he got up off the floor. He grabbed my bag by the door and we headed out of my room and down the stairs. My mom was sitting in the kitchen when we walked in hand in hand. She looked up and smiled at us.

"I was instructed to give you this bag from your father," she said as she motioned to the bag on the table.

I walked over and peeked inside the bag and almost laughed out loud. I pictured in my mind my straight-laced preacher father standing in the condom aisle buying these. I could see him debating on which ones to buy. He had bought like three different kinds.

I took the bag with me and said goodbye to my mom. Once we were in the truck, Montague turned to look at me. The bag of condoms was sitting in between us. He glanced down at it and got the mischievous smile on his face. He picked up the bag and threw it in the backseat.

"We won't be needing those for a few months," he said as he started the truck and backed out of my driveway.

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