Back in the Woods

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Song: Back in the Woods

Artist: Rival Sons


"It's great to see you again, Mr. Quinn."

"It's great to see you again, as well, Mr. George," I replied, smiling at him and the rest of the musical directors.

"What would you like to do first for your audition?"

The musical audition came in three parts: the script, the dance, and the song. Anyone could choose which order they performed them all in, but everyone still had to do all three. For the scripts, there were three different monologues covering the male characters and three for the female characters which anyone could choose from. The song was the same for everyone, as well as the short dance done to show off the choreography.

I chose my monologue first, reading the Judd script, and then danced. Even though Judd's character didn't dance in the musical, I still wanted to show the director's that I could put my all into the work given to me and not slack off at something that seemed "unimportant" to my role. Plus, putting the dance in the middle of my audition would help the directors focus more on my acting and singing capabilities.

When it was time for me to sing, I recalled all of Tylor's techniques. He helped me every day leading up the audition to make sure I did a good job. Compared to how I sang in before his help, I improved a lot, and I could tell the directors saw it as well. I knew I did a good job. Judd would be mine.

"We will post the cast list on the school website's theater page in three days. Be sure to check back for more updates on it."

"Thank you for all your times," I said, clasping my hands together and bowing politely to everyone.

As I stepped out of the music room, I could finally breathe again. By this point, there was nothing else I could do. It was the director's decision about what happened next, and that was it. All I could do was hope I got the role.

As I walked down the practice room hallway, I spotted Tylor inside the first room, pacing as he yelled at someone on the phone. When he glanced up and spotted me watching him, his eyes softened, and he gestured for me to come in.

"Because it's what I like... Who gives a shit? It's my style... Then I'll wear a fucking thong! I don't care. Yuki worked hard on the design, and I love it, and I'm going to wear it on stage... Suck it up!"

Tylor hung up with a huff, but he smiled at me. "Sorry. How did the audition go?"

"Great! I could tell they were impressed by how well I worked on the song. I don't think they've ever heard me sing that well before."

"Was it your best try yet?"

"I think so."

"Good. I'm glad I could help. Hopefully, you get this role."

"Thanks. And thanks for waiting afterwards for me." After I told Tylor that Simon and I were fighting (leaving out the reason why) and how he used to wait for me for all of my auditions, Tylor was kind enough to wait with me so I'd feel less nervous.

"No problem. I got a little work of my own done in the meantime," he said as we walked out of the practice room hallway and towards the exit.

"How about I take you out to thank you for your help?"

"I'd love to, but I have to meet with Yuki to go over my new costumes for the band."

"You guys wear costumes?"

"Occasionally. We may be a heavy metal band, but our style is glam metal. We have certain looks for certain shows," he replied with a shrug. "Yuki has been designing our costumes with her team since we started. I think the fashion was part of the reason we got so popular. People love seeing me strut around all glamorously on stage, and I can't really blame them."

"So..." I swallowed, "the thong comment?"

"You'll just have to see it in person. I'd hate to spoil the fun." He winked, and I felt myself blush as I looked away from him.


The two of us turned back to Simon. He stared at the two of us guiltily. Looking at Tylor, I was surprised to see him glaring at Simon. "I'll see you later, Damon. Good luck."

As Tylor walked away, I stared at him, flabbergasted. "He hates you, too?"

"I don't blame him," Simon sighed. "I thought about what you said, and you were right. He's probably still mad that I started bullying him, too, after he kept telling me to fuck off in middle school."

"And it doesn't help that you think he hasn't grown up."

He hung his head. "I know. And, I mean, I wasn't a good person, either, in middle school, and I've changed, so I'm sure if you say he's not still like that... then he must have grown up, too. If you like hanging around him that much, I will be nice."

"Thank you."

Simon smiled and clapped my shoulder. "How did the audition go?"

"Great! Did you actually wait behind just to ask me how it went?"

"Of course." He smiled cheekily. "It's tradition for me to cheer you on during your auditions. Did you honestly think I'd miss our last one?"

Honestly, I was touched. Even after all that crap, Simon was still there for me. He was the one person I knew I could always count on, even when it felt like I couldn't count on anyone.

"It won't be the last one. I'm still going to act after high school."

"Yes, but this is where I can legally be on site to support you. This is the last time." He wiped a fake tear from his eye. "I'm already feeling nostalgic."

Slapping his chest, I laughed. "Shut up."

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