Knock 'em Dead, Kid

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Song: Knock 'em Dead, Kid

Artist: Mötley Crüe


"Are you going to be okay?" Tylor murmured as he leaned over the counter towards me.

I sighed as I slumped my head into my hands. "I hope to God I am," I said as I smiled up at him.

"I don't think you have too much to worry about."

"I know, but breakups still suck. Even if it's just calling off... whatever the fuck we have." I sighed again. "I just don't want to hurt her."

"You probably will," Taylor stated, and I groaned as I flopped my head onto the counter. "But hey, man, that's just a part of life. If you become obsessed over constantly trying to preserve other people's feelings, you'll end up hurting yourself the most."

"Isn't it okay to feel bad, though?"

"You can, but if you don't stop beating yourself up over it, I'll beat you up for not shutting up about it," he teased. Glaring, I flicked his forehead. He tsked and rubbed the spot as he leaned away from me. "Asshole."

I chuckled as I leaned back and stretched out my arms. "Okay. Wish me luck."

"I would, but you just flicked me," he pouted.

"I'm sorry, Tylor," I chortled.

Tylor smirked at me and winked. "Good luck, Quinny Bear."

Quickly turning around so he wouldn't see me blush, I walked out of the music store and over to the food court. I asked Clara to meet me there so we could talk over bubble tea, and she seemed excited to talk. I didn't know if she thought our last date was just a fluke and wanted to try again or what, but I was worried over how she'd take me telling her I just wanted to be friends. If she even still wanted to be friends after it all.

Clara was already sitting at a table with a bubble tea in her hands, checking her phone. "Clara," I called out to her, and she immediately shot her head up and waved.

"Hi, Damon. I'm glad you called me out here to talk."

"Yeah," I said, sitting down across from her. "Um... how are you doing?"

Clara tilted her head and smiled as she sighed. "I'm okay. I know you wanted to tell me something important," – she reached out and grabbed my hand – "and I'm here to listen. What's wrong?"

I couldn't tell if she knew I was calling things off or if she thought something bad happened and she wanted to support me. If only I planned out what I wanted to say a little more. I wouldn't have been flapping my mouth around stupidly as I figured out the words to say.

"Whatever you want to say, I won't be mad," she said, her eyes glossing over as if she knew what I wanted to say.

"I really like you, Clara," I began as I placed my free hand on top of ours. "I've enjoyed spending time with you and getting to know you better, but I don't think I can see us as being anything more than just friends. I'm sorry."

She chuckled sadly and nodded. "I had a feeling that's what this was about." I lowered my head. "After our last date, I kind of had the feeling you weren't interested anymore. I mean, it wasn't hard to see you were beginning to develop feelings for Tylor."

I jerked my head up at her. "Huh?"

"Oh, come on," she groaned, rolling her head back. "We went to his concert, and you were hard just staring at him. Though he was incredibly sexy looking on stage. You didn't even want to leave. You were jealous of him flirting with Zach. And all last date, you kept talking about how incredible of a musician Tylor is. It's easy to tell you like him."

"I'm sorry." I let go of her hand. "If I'm honest, I don't know how much I like him, but I know I like him."

"I'm just glad you told me now," she exhaled with a chuckle. "A part of me was worried after our last date that you were going to keep going out with me to stop liking him or use me or something- I don't know."

"That is the last thing I'd want to do. You're so special, Clara, and you deserve to be with someone who will make you feel special. I'm just not that guy. That's why I wanted to tell you in person and not just over text or something."

Clara smiled as she stood up. "You are certainly one of the sweeter ones. It's a shame we can't date, but I'll get over it. I hope your crush likes you back and things work out for you both."

"I hope things work out for you, too."

Clara waved goodbye as she exited the food court. I sighed, rubbed my hands over my face, and stood up. It was a relief to have it all over, but it was still bittersweet. Hopefully, things would go better from here on out. I didn't know if I liked Tylor or Mystery more. Not to mention that I didn't know if I actually liked either of them or just the idea of being with them.

Mystery was a sweet person who I enjoyed talking to. He was always down to talk whenever we had an available moment, and we could talk for hours about anything. If I needed help or advice, he was there, and he was kind enough to support me throughout my thing with Clara. The idea of being with someone like him was exciting, and I would love to see where things could go.

As for Tylor, he was outgoing, crass, and a huge dork. He wasn't afraid to be himself, and he was not afraid to stand up for himself. He dressed how he wanted to, and he could hold a crowd's attention. Being with him was never boring, and I was sure dating him wouldn't be boring either.

There was still so much to learn about both of them before I could make any final decisions, but I knew they were both spectacular people who I wanted to get to know better and was looking forward to getting to know better.


Tylor seemed surprised when he saw me return to the studio, most likely assuming I'd go home after and text him about it later. It was especially funny to watch his confusion turn to shock when he saw the bubble tea I'd bought him. I didn't know if he liked the stuff or what kind of flavor he preferred, but I picked the most Tylor-flavor I could think of.

"Strawberry watermelon," he slowly said before breaking into a wide smile. "Thanks, Quinny Bear. You really are the best."

"I thought you'd like it."

Walking around the counter, Tylor sat on one of the chairs in the lobby and nodded towards the vacant seat next to him. I sat down, and he turned in his chair so his legs dangled over the arm of the chair. "So... How did it go?"

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