Sad But True

18 3 0

Song: Sad But True

Artist: Metallica


Even though everyone in the theatre department got along, I always worried after a cast list was posted whether the show would be full of drama due to resentment over certain people getting the parts they wanted. Luckily, just like with all the other ones, there was some disappointment but no resentment. Everyone respected the theatre department and the directors, so everyone understood that the people who got their roles got them for a good reason. There was no favoritism at all.

A lot of people were surprised that I got the role of Jud, including Chad, who got the role of Curly. Even though he loved doing crew, he always performed in the musicals. He, as well as half the cast, thought I would play Curly. If it weren't for Tylor helping me, I doubted I'd even play Curly. While I could sing, I wasn't leading man material. If anything, I probably would have been cast as Will Parker or Ali Hakim. He helped me break through my typecast as the goofy guy or the straight man to become the villain.

"You know, when Clara found out we were going to be playing love rivals, she thought it was the funniest thing in the world," Chad laughed.

For a moment, I forgot they were cousins. I wasn't jealous or upset about it before I remembered, which made me think I was leaning more towards the idea that I liked her more as a friend.

I still wanted to go on a more romantic date with Clara to test Mystery's theory. When I first met Clara, I thought I could see us being more than friends, but after that first date, I didn't know anymore. Having a more "romantic" date seemed like the best way to find out if it was us or the first date jitters.

"It's a good thing it's not realistic?" I joked, unsure of what to say.

Chad laughed and slapped my back. "Hey, is it true that you're taking guitar lessons?"

"Yeah. I thought they would be good to put on my portfolio. Directors look for that kind of stuff."

"True. Is your teacher good?"

"Oh, yeah."

As much as I may have loved learning from Levon, I wished Tylor was the one teaching me instead. Working with Tylor on my singing was a lot of fun, and if he were my instructor, we'd be able to hang out even more.

However, he dealt with the wannabes who thought they were God's gift to music, and Levon taught those who actually wanted to learn music. It was an honor to learn from such an esteemed performer. He wound up singing along with my guitar playing to help me learn my first song, and I was instantly entranced.

As much as I loved Tylor's voice, Levon's had a majestic quality that came from his years of experience. He had the voice I wanted, with it being loud and clear, and it kept everyone in the room at the edge of their seat. It almost felt backwards to have him teach me to play guitar, but considering how talented of a musician Levon was, it was an honor to learn from him.

After rehearsals, everyone either ran out to catch their late bus or slowly pack up as they talked with everyone else. Simon and I talked as we left the auditorium together, but I hung around the lobby rather than leave.

As he noticed I wasn't following him, he spun around and smirked. "Waiting for Loverboy?"


"Tylor, dumbass," he replied, walking back up to me. "I overheard you talking about him with Chad."

"We weren't talking about him."

"Then who were you talking about?"


"Who is Tylor's mentor slash father slash... something else I forgot. But it made you think about him, didn't it?"

"So what if it did?" I defended, and Simon laughed triumphantly. "He's not Loverboy. He's my friend. And yours."

"Yeah, but I see the way you look at him. The way your face lights up when you talk about him."

"It does not," I deadpanned.

"Yeah, it does," he cheekily replied. "You're doing it right now."

I cupped my cheek and huffed as I felt them heat up. "That doesn't mean I'm in love with him."

"Do you like him?"

"He's my friend."

"Not what I asked."

"It's my answer."

"So then you like Clara more?"

"I don't know. Honestly, I don't even know if I want to date her anymore," I exclaimed.

Simon stared back, wide-eyed. "So... what do you feel for her?"

"I don't know. I thought she was super cute when we first met, and I've enjoyed talking with her, but... I don't know. I don't know! I didn't feel that spark on our first date, and I feel like even going on a more romantic date with her isn't going to suddenly bring that back."

"Yeah... because you like Tylor now."

"We're just friends."

"That doesn't matter. You like him."

"Knock it off," I groaned.

"You may not realize it now, but you're being a stubborn ass about your feelings. If you knocked it off, you'd realize you like him."

"Dude, I can't like him."

"Why not?"

"Because I can't!" Not only was he dating Simon's cousin, but he was also one of my best friends now. We were close, and I didn't want to ruin what we had with a stupid crush. If I were going to date anyone, it'd be Clara. And I didn't even know if I wanted to date her.

"You know there's nothing wrong with liking him if you did, right?" Simon said. "He's a cool guy, and you two are such good friends that it makes sense. Hell, if I were gay, I'd be fucking you right now."

"That's not the same thing."

"I didn't say it was," he teased. "Everyone knows you're bi. If you want to date a guy, no one's going to judge you. And if they do, I'll kill them."

I puckered my lips at him. "You really are a good friend."

"I know," he called out as he exited the building.

As I sat and waited for Tylor to show up, I pulled out my phone and checked Mystery's more recent text.

I think it's sweet that you're learning because of him.

I wish someone would learn an instrument to impress me.

I'm not doing it to impress him as much as connect with him. He loves music more than anything else, and if this is a way I can reach out to him, then why not?

No matter what, I think it's incredibly sweet. It almost seems as if you're in love with him. Do you think you're starting to feel something for him?

Funny enough, one of my other friends thinks the same thing. We're friends, and he's seeing someone else, so it wouldn't matter if I did.

The fact that you mention how he's seeing someone else as an excuse makes it feel as if you are looking for excuses to not like him.

I didn't like where this was going.

Honestly, though, I just love gay couples since I'm gay myself, so I'd ship you with either Clara or your friend.

When Mystery came out to me, it somehow didn't feel like a surprise. From what Simon said, it made a little more sense on why she kept pursuing a friendship with me. That and she knew I was planning to date Clara, and after all the messages she got thinking she was Clara, I'd want to know how the story continued, too.

Yet, at the same time, it left me somewhat disappointed. And as stupid as it was to be, I couldn't understand why.

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