My Immortal

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Song: My Immortal

Artist: Evanescence


After I changed into my pajamas, I flopped onto my bed and pulled out my phone. There were no new messages from Mystery, but that was okay. I wanted to talk to Tylor.

He and Kiki really got along during dinner. For the first time in years, she was laughing and making jokes with everyone. You could tell she was actually happy. Yet the moment we were all back in the car, she recoiled back into herself. We were all more worried than ever about her, and while I knew it was prying, I needed to know she was okay.

Opening up Snapchat, I clicked on Tylor's account.

It was really great seeing you tonight. I know Kiki had a lot of fun talking with you. It was nice seeing her so excited again!

I dropped my phone on my chest. Who knew how long it would take for him to respond? For all I knew, Tylor could have already gone to bed, but I hoped the life of being a metal queen caused him to be more of a night owl. I needed to know what was going on. I had to know Kiki was alright.

Luckily, it didn't take long for him to respond.

It's all good. She's a super sweet girl! We even exchanged snaps. I think she wants me to go shopping with her sometime to help her find new clothes lol

You two definitely have overlapping styles.

I can't help it if I'm a fashion icon :insert tongue emoji:

Well, you did look hot on that stage.

I knew I was flirting, but I couldn't help it. Thinking about him in that stage costume made me feel hot. Tylor was incredibly sexy, and I wanted to see him that way again. Alone.

I do know how to work a sharp pair of heels :insert wink emoji:

If I didn't know Tylor better, I would have guessed he was flirting back. I knew he wasn't. He enjoyed teasing me like that, and I didn't mind it. It made me feel good, and since it was all harmless, it felt okay.

If you're cool with it, I would love to take her shopping sometime.

I think she'd really enjoy that. You might be able to help coax her out of her shell a little more.

She reminds me a lot of myself when I was kicked out.

I sat up straight in my bed and frantically typed.

How so?

When I was kicked out, I thought Ryder would eventually kick me out too. I was already rejected for being who I am by my own father. How could I expect anyone else to accept me for who I am? It took a while for me to accept that Ryder wasn't going to get rid of me, but it took even longer for me to realize that he really does love me. All I wanted was for someone to love me and accept me for who I am, but I thought no one would. So I pushed the world away. You know about my cape wearing days. I figured if no one would accept me for who I am, why bother letting people in for them to only ignore me once they got to know me?

Just reading that broke my heart enough that I felt myself beginning to cry. As I wiped my eyes, he sent another message.

I feel like Kiki is the same way. While she wants someone to be there and tell her they love her, she's afraid they're going to push her away, so she tries to push them away before they can hurt her. But when she knows she'll be accepted by someone, she latches on.

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