Kickstart My Heart

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Song: Kickstart My Heart 

Artist: Mötley Crüe


While Tylor didn't seem any more or less excited than I'd normally seen him, I could tell he was looking forward to the party. So was I. He'd meet my friends in the theatre department and hopefully become friends with them, too. After being a loner for so long, I wanted him to become friends with the pit and crew. While I knew they'd be nice to him since he came with me, I hoped they'd want to hang out again.

"Damon," Tylor softly sang as he pulled up in front of Lauren's house. I snapped out of my thoughts and glanced over at him to see him smirking at me. "Whatcha thinking about?"

"Nothing really." Even though he smiled, his eyes were full of disappointment. I didn't like him looking at me like that. "I'm just hoping you get along with everyone tonight."

"If they're your friends, I'll make sure I'm on my extra good behavior." He leaned over the counsel to me, and I leaned in closer with him. "The last thing I want to do is upset you in front of your friends."

I shook my head. "I'm not worried about you. You'll win them over."

"I have been told I'm very charismatic," he joked as he exited the car. I quickly followed behind him. "Is there anything I should know about these guys?"

"Nah. They're all harmless theatre dorks like myself."

"Well, then, I should definitely be intimidated." He playfully fanned his face. "If everyone here is as cool as you, I don't think I'll be able to survive."

"Oh, ha, ha," I snickered as I wrapped my arm around his shoulders.

We walked into Lauren's house together, and everyone by the front door looked at us and greeted me. A few people greeted Tylor as well, and he awkwardly waved his hand at them.

"Hey, man," Simon said as he jogged over to us. When he saw my arm around Tylor's shoulders, his smile grew into a wider, dorkier smile. "So... how are things going?"

Tylor glared at Simon and shook his head slowly. I couldn't tell if it was because he was worried about bringing up my dad, but thinking about him suddenly made me depressed again. The point of being there was to distract me from my dad, yet there I was, thinking about him all over again.

Simon's face instantly dropped. "Yo, what's going on?"

"Simon, can I speak with you for a moment?" Tylor asked as he grabbed his sleeve and dragged him away.

I knew Tylor wouldn't tell Simon anything he shouldn't have, and I didn't want to hear anything even subtly regarding my dad, so I walked further into the party. I spotted Lauren sitting at the grand piano in her living room and walked up to her and the others she was talking to. When she noticed me, she smiled wider.

"Damon! I'm glad you made it. I know it was last minute, but I figured, what the hell, you know?" she giggled.

"Yeah," I chuckled back. "Thanks for inviting me. I hope you don't mind, but I invited Tylor. He's going to play piano for the show now, and I figured it would be good for him to get to know everyone here."

"Of course! The more the merrier. Besides, I want to meet the guy you have a crush on."

"How... you know what? It doesn't matter. I don't think he feels the same way about me."

"You have a crush on Tylor?" Brenda Thompson, a violinist, gasped.


Trevor Barker, a dancer, nodded in approval. "He's cute. With how much time the two of you spend together, I'm surprised you're not dating already."

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