It's Not You

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Song: It's Not You

Artist: Halestorm


All throughout my guitar lesson, I couldn't focus on anything Levon said. My mind was going a million miles a second with everything going on. I realized I didn't like Clara romantically. Mystery revealed he was a guy, and I admitted I had a crush on him. And I also admitted I might have had a crush on Tylor, too. How could I focus on the guitar?

I wanted to learn; I did. But did it start out as a way to spend more time with Tylor? Did all of this have to do with a crush I didn't even realize I had? If I even had one. I couldn't even figure out who I had a crush on, Tylor or Mystery. Was it possible to like two people at the same time like that? For all I knew, I might not have even liked either of them and would be over all of this in a matter of weeks. But something about that didn't feel right either.

"Damon," Levon exhaled, and I snapped out of my thoughts, "be honest. Do you no longer want to learn guitar?"

"What? No! I still want to, it's just... God, there's so much going on right now, I can't focus."

Levon frowned as he lowered his guitar and placed it next to his feet. "What's going on?"

I smirked. "Am I now going to pay you to be my therapist?"

He rolled his eyes and chuckled. "I'll take the bill for this one. Tell me, what's wrong?"

I didn't want to bring up Tylor or Mystery, which only left me with one thing. "Remember that girl Clara I told you about?"

"Yes. Are you worried about playing for her?"

"No, I..." I groaned and placed my head in my hands. "I'm planning to call things off between us, and it's been weighing on my mind."

"Ah." Levon nodded. "I understand completely. You're worried about how she's going to take it."


He stared at me, inspecting me as I folded my hands in front of my mouth. He closed his eyes and stood up. "I think this is a good time to stop for today."


"You've had a rough day. Even if you try to focus now, it will be hard for you to."

"But aren't musicians supposed to play through their feelings?"

"You're not a musician. You're an actor," he stated. "One day, you might consider yourself a musician, but right now you're an actor learning to play the guitar. You can act through your feelings, but you can't play through them. It's just as Tylor can play through his feelings but can't act through them. Don't force yourself to play when you're not in the right frame of mind to. It'll only prolong your efforts to learn."

Levon hung his guitar in its place on the wall and said, "Like I said, I'll take care of the bill this time. Next time, if you're not mentally sound enough to play, don't force yourself to come here. I don't want you to hurt yourself."

"Thanks, Levon," I said as I put my guitar back into its case.

As I exited the rehearsal room, I noticed Tylor wasn't behind the front desk. He must have been in the back room going through files. Before I could walk out of the studio, his heels clicked louder as he walked back out to the lounge.

He always looked handsome whenever he was working, as he always wore a suit when he worked. It was his uniform, but he always added his own gothic, punk, and glam flare to it. His suit today was a black suit with sleeves that went down to his mid arm and a white mock-neck shirt with tight black dress pants. It was very attractive.

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