Freak Like Me

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Song: Freak Like Me

Artist: Halestorm


Even though we planned to meet later that night, I had to see Tylor. I didn't want to wait. There were so many thoughts and emotions running through my head, leaving me numb. I still planned to listen to what he wanted to talk about, but I needed to go first.

Everything from the moment Kiki and my dad went to the backyard to the moment I stood in front of Tylor's house was a blur. Hopefully, he wouldn't mind me coming over early. At that point, it seemed too late to ask. All I could do was hope.

As I walked up to his door, Ryder walked out of the house. He jumped when he saw me standing in his driveway. I lifted my hand and waved pathetically. "Hey, Ryder."

"Hi, Damon," he chuckled. "How are you?"

"Not great," I admitted. "I was hoping to talk to Tylor. Is he home?"

"Yes. He's upstairs. Come in." Ryder stepped aside so I could enter, and he yelled up the stairs. "Tylor! Your friend is here." He frowned at me. "I hope everything ends up alright. I have to head to work. I'll see you around."

"Stay safe," I said with a small wave.

I waited by the doorway for Tylor to come down. I'd never been in his house before, and I glanced around. The stairs were right next to the front door, and the entryway led into the living room. There was a TV mounted on the wall, but all the couches and chairs faced each other in the room, circling around a wooden coffee table. Past the living room, I could make out a kitchen, but all I could see was part of a granite island counter.

Tylor never left his room, so I assumed he didn't hear Ryder. As I walked up the stairs, I inspected all the pictures lining the walls. There were multiple newspaper clippings of Levon's concerts and awards, as well as a few of Tylor's. There were family pictures of the three of them, and one of Tylor with his band on stage. Wearing the same fishnets and tall chained boots from his last show, he wore a black crop top and short shorts that practically looked like underwear. He paired it with a long, white, sleeveless trench coat. He was playing a guitar solo with his leg propped up on an amplifier, thrusting his pelvis forward. It was hot, but the outfit he wore when I saw him live was still the sexiest.

I wasn't sure which one Tylor's room was, but loud, sensual saxophone music played from one of the bedrooms. It didn't sound like the kind of music Tylor would choose to listen to. Unless there was someone in there with him. Could he have been hooking up with Zach in there? Did he and Simon's cousin wind up going a lot further than I thought they were, and now they were about to fuck in Tylor's room? The two talked on Snapchat a lot. I'd seen the winky-face comments Tylor sent him.

Then again, Ryder never said Tylor had someone over. Tylor must have been the only one in the room. Maybe Kenny G was a relaxing artist to listen to when he woke up in the morning. I knew he was into punk and metal, but he could have enjoyed smooth jazz as well.

Knocking on the door, I called out his name. Tylor never answered. I knocked again, but there was still no answer.

Slowly, I opened the door and poked my head inside. The music was deafening in the dark room. The curtains were shut, and the only light source came from the millions of candles that were spread throughout his room. As I scanned the room, I gasped as I spotted Tylor on the bed. He was dressed in black lace panties with matching knee-high socks and a girder belt. Resting on his hands and knees and his ass stuck straight up in the air, he moaned loudly as he thrusted a vibrator in and out of his ass cheeks.

Opening his eyes in a daze, Tylor quickly sat up as I slammed the door shut. "I'm so sorry!" I screamed, running down the stairs.

I'd just walked in on Tylor masturbating. No, that was more than just masturbation; that was pure pleasuring of himself. I saw a lot of him, parts that were only left to the imagination. Parts that I never thought I'd get to see. As exciting as it should have been, it was not okay. I'd just walked in on him during a private moment and saw parts of him he did not give me consent to see. How could I possibly enjoy that?

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