Turn The Page

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Song: Turn The Page

Artist: Metallica (original by Bob Segar)


Congratulations lol!!!!!

Thank you!!! I can't wait to finally see him play live tonight

It's time to finally put your newfound metal music knowledge to the test. Are you ready?

I'm ready lol

Finally, after knowing Tylor for over a month, I could finally go to one of his shows. I'd been looking forward to it all week. When Tylor came up to me earlier in the week to tell me that his band would be playing at the Gothic Castle and that it was open for all ages, I almost passed out. Honestly, I could have sworn my ears started ringing and my vision faded a bit to white.

Luckily, Tylor found my excitement funny and honoring. At least he knew it was about me being excited and not nervous to say no. After how much I'd begged him to let me know when he was playing somewhere I could watch, I knew he wouldn't expect to say no unless I was forced to.

Are you going alone or with some of your friends?

Simon and his cousin are going

So is Clara

Oh, good! The two of you are finally getting to go on the adventurous dates you've been wanting to go on.

I feel like a concert where one of my friends is playing will be good. We can dance and hang out with some friends. It'll be a lot of fun :insert smile emoji:

Absolutely! You two have a lot of fun tonight!

You too!

I decided to take Mystery's advice and go out on a more adventurous date with Clara. She was right about us needing to figure each other out more. After the weirdness of our first date, going to a metal concert seemed like the shake up we needed to see how I really felt about her. I didn't need to put more pressure on us than I was. I just needed to go out there and have a good time.


"There you are!" Simon called out, dragging Zach over to Clara and I. We stood near the front of the stage, wanting to make sure we got the best view of Tylor and his band. The opening band had finished playing, and Sludgehammer was set to play in the next twenty minutes.

"Hello, again," Clara giggled, waving at Simon. "I was getting worried you got lost."

"Nah. We were stuck in the back during the opening band's performance. They were really good."

"Nowhere near as good as The Master's performance," Zach hummed, folding his bands as his eyes sparkled in glee.

"M-master?" I gawked.

"He jokingly told Zach to call him that, but he took it a little too seriously," Simon whispered to us. "Just let him have it."

"Oh, Damon, you're going to love them!"

"Hell yeah!" Simon cheered. "His song Mistaken, I know you are going to love that one the most."

"How will I know which one it is?"

"It's the one you're going to love the most."

As I rolled my eyes, the stage lights dimmed. Everyone in the audience cheered loudly, screaming as if their lives depended on it, as the band walked out on stage. A pipe organ played as they walked out, positioning themselves in their places.

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