Critical Acclaim

25 4 0

Song: Critical Acclaim

Artist: Avenged Sevenfold


Simon hugged me so tight he practically suffocated me. He ever lifted me off the ground, which I would have laughed at if he hadn't been hugging so hard.

"This is great! I'm so happy for you!"

He put me back down on the ground, and I coughed out a laugh. "Thank you. Hopefully, I can still sing after you've raptured my lungs."

"Fuck off," he snickered, jabbing at my chest. "You got Judd! You deserved to be hugged that tight."

"Thanks, man," I laughed. "I still can't believe I got Judd. I honestly didn't think I would."

"You said it yourself. You've improved your singing, and I'm sure they saw just how much you wanted to be Judd based on that alone. How could they not give you Judd?"

"Honestly, it's all because of Tylor," I hummed. "I'm so glad he gave me those pointers. I probably would have had callbacks or something if it weren't for him."

"We should celebrate," Simon stated, slapping my chest. "Buy some dinner with some of the other cast and crew."

Smirking, I wrapped my arm around his neck. "Better yet, how about just you, me, and Tylor all go out instead?" Simon whined, and I glared at him. "You told me you were going to try."

He exhaled. "You're right. Face him with an open mind."

"Good," I said, slapping his back a little harsher than I should have. I didn't care, though. Simon promised he would be nicer to Tylor, and I promised Tylor I could take him out to dinner to thank him for his help with the audition. This would be a win-win.


"How much longer until he gets here?" Simon questioned, checking his phone.

"He said was running behind because of band practice. He'll be here any minute."

Glancing back at the door, I saw him walk him. He was a bit sweaty, despite being dressed in a sideless tank top and ripped jeans. His hair stuck to his forehead, and his eyeliner seemed a bit more smudged than usual, but he still looked sexy. Even a couple of girls at a nearby table gawked at him. If it weren't for the guitar case strapped to his back, they most likely would have thought he was gay and not a musician (despite him being both).

Tylor scanned the restaurant, smiling when he saw me. Simon turned around to smile at him, and Tylor's smile instantly faded as he glared at him. He walked up to the table, taking off his guitar and placing it under the table as he sat next to me. "I didn't realize Simon would join us."

"Sorry," he mumbled.

"It's fine. Did you owe him a free dinner, too?" Tylor kidded.

"No. We're celebrating me getting Judd, and I wanted him to be here with us."

He nodded. "Got it."

As Tylor scanned the menu, no one said anything. He didn't even look up at us. Simon stared at me with pleading eyes, and I harshly mouthed Try. He exhaled and smiled at Tylor as he looked up from the menu.

"So... Damon tells me you're in a band."

"I am."

They were quiet.

"What's it called?"


"Why... that?"

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