Kiss Me You Animal

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Song: Kiss Me You Animal

Artist: Burn The Ballroom


All night, I couldn't stop thinking about kissing Tylor's cheek. Why didn't he want me to kiss him on the lips? How would it have felt to kiss him on the lips? Did it feel different to kiss guys instead of girls? I'd only ever dated girls, and I'd never kissed a boy before.

Despite being bisexual, I sometimes felt as if I was too inexperienced to know if I really was bisexual or actually straight. Then I remembered how just because I'd never done anything with a guy before that I'd done with a girl didn't mean I didn't want to. It didn't mean I wasn't sexually attracted to guys, especially with how sexy Tylor was.

What would it have been like to kiss him on the lips? How would his lips feel? I'd bet they'd be soft, as he always took good care of his appearance, including his lips. I'd stared at him before as he put on a coat of Chapstick or as he licked his lips as he practiced singing. It was a small habit of his whenever he grew incredibly concentrated on the music that I wasn't sure if he realized he did it.

Even as he practiced the songs for the musical in front of me, I couldn't stop staring at his mouth every time he licked his lips. It seemed he was having some difficulties at a part in the Dream Ballet. It took place right at the end of Act I, where Laurie was having a bad dream about both Curly and Judd. The piece was only a dance number, so it relied heavily on the musicians bringing as much passion as possible to the music to really drive home the emotional turmoil.

I knew he was playing the song correctly, so he might have felt as if there wasn't enough passion. Learning the song was clearly stressing him out, but he refused to stop playing, instead repeating the part he wasn't satisfied with over and over again.

I hated seeing him so upset. Out of every musician I'd ever heard in my life, no one had ever been more talented than Tylor. Granted, I hadn't heard a lot of musicians in real life, but out of those who I had, he was the best. Anyone could hear how talented he was, but his past training must have prevented him from being able to believe in it himself and see himself as an amazing musician.

"Are you okay?"

It was what I was thinking, yet I didn't say it.

Looking up at Tylor, he stared down at me in pity. I didn't know why he'd think I was the one who wasn't okay when he was the one who getting annoyed over a song he was playing well.

"I'm fine."

"Are you sure?" he asked as he stood up from the piano bench. He walked over to sit next to me on the floor under the window and bumped his knee against mine. "You've been spacing out this whole time."

"I've just been thinking. That's all."

"About your dad?" he whispered. He took my hand and interlocked our fingers. "You can talk to me if you need to. I'm always here for you."

I nodded. "I know, but I'm not thinking about him. Going to that party really helped me out." I laid my head on his shoulder, and he rested his head on top of mine. "Plus, talking with you really helped sort out my feelings. You're an amazing friend, Tylor."

"I love you," he stated, and I looked up at him. "I'd do anything to help you."

The earnestness in his words made me blush, but I didn't look away from him. The longer we stared at each other, the more we blushed. At least I wasn't the only one feeling shy.

"So, if you're not thinking about... Then what's wrong?"

I shook my head slowly. "Nothing. I'm just thinking about the party... Truth or dare."

"Oh, yeah." He pouted. "Now I really want a McFlurry."

I laughed. "I'll buy you one after rehearsal. How does that sound?"

"Fucking awesome!" he exclaimed, and I laughed at him. "Oh, shut up. Those things are fucking good." He rolled his eyes at me as I held in my laughter. "So, what part were you thinking about?"

"When I kissed your cheek," I admitted, and he tilted his head. "I just thought about how I've never kissed a guy before, and I was wondering if it's any different from kissing a girl."

"It is."

I gawked at him. "You've kissed a girl before?"

"I may only want to date guys, but that doesn't mean I haven't kissed a girl. Here, stand up," he commanded, pulling me up with him. He wrapped his arms around my neck and pressed himself up against me, and I wrapped my arms back around him, keeping him close to me. "See? No boobs in the way."

"Tylor," I groaned, but I couldn't stop myself from smiling.


"That's not what I meant."

"Then what did you mean?"

"Like... Does it feel different?"

"Oh," he slowly said with a smirk. "I get what you mean." He leaned his forehead against mine, and I gasped as I felt his hands trail down my shoulders onto my chest. "If you'd like, you can kiss me and find out."

"You don't mind?" I whispered.

"Not if it's you kissing me," he murmured back.

Not wanting to waste another second, I tilted my head and kissed Tylor's lips softly. The moment our lips touched, I felt as if I were floating on a cloud. I didn't know a kiss could feel so euphoric. Maybe it was because I was kissing the person I loved instead of someone I liked but never wound up going anywhere with. This kiss felt different in the most special way possible.

As I pulled away, Tylor clung onto my shirt and pulled me back, deepening the kiss. I gasped and let out a moan as I pulled him closer. His arms slung around the back of my neck, clinging onto me as he let out a deep, sultry moan.

Quickly, he pushed me away and took a step back, covering his mouth. "I am so sorry, Damon," he whispered, mortified. "I shouldn't have kissed you like that. That was completely inappropriate. I'm so sorry."

I didn't find it inappropriate at all. I found it hot, and all I wanted was to kiss him again. Those moans were sexy, and they were because of me. He had to have liked me, or at least found me attractive. After all we'd been through, I refused to think that kiss meant nothing to him.

"It's okay," I exhaled. "I didn't mind it."

At least I didn't mind it until I remembered he was dating Zach. I just helped Tylor cheat on his boyfriend.

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