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Song: Starstruck

Artist: Rainbow


"It's about time," Simon groaned, throwing his head back. "How long have you been talking with Clara now?"

"I don't know. Three weeks?"

"Yeah. I would have asked her out sooner," he scoffed.

Gritting my teeth, I closed my eyes. "I don't care. I was getting to know her."

"And Mystery," he teased, taking a sip of his coffee.

"What does she have to do with anything?"

"Nothing," he sang.

Placing my coffee cup on the table, I leaned back and crossed my arms, staring deadpan at him.

Simon placed his cup on the table and exhaled. "It's just funny to me that you're still talking to her. I mean, she wasn't the person you were trying to talk to in the first place, yet you still talk with her."

"What's wrong with that?" I snapped. "Yeah, she was the wrong number, but she's a nice girl, and we have nice conversations."

"Do you think you're starting to like her?"

"No," I sighed. "Mystery is, like, an online friend. You don't meet each other in person, but you continue to talk and become friends. That's it."

"Would you like to meet her in person?"

"I'd rather know her name first," I grumbled. "I know she doesn't want to tell me for privacy's sake, but it still feels weird referring to her as Mystery all the time."

"I like the nickname," Simon cheekily replied. "It's fun! But it would be nice to know what her name is. Does she know yours?"

"No... Though she does know what I look like."

"You sent her a picture?"

"She asked if I was attractive back when we first started talking, so I sent her a picture and asked."

"What did she say?"

"I think she gave me a heart eye emoji?"

"Oh, so she's not saying who she is, because she has a crush on you, and she doesn't want you to know who she is, so you can't turn her down, since you're with Clara."

"Do not make this something it's not," I calmly demanded. "We're friends, and that's it. She does not have a crush on me. After all, she's asked me to keep her updated on what's happening between Clara and I, because our relationship is entertaining to her. Speaking of, I should tell her I'm going out with her tomorrow."

As I pulled out my phone, Simon scoffed and took a sip of his coffee. "You do realize she's asking because she wants to know how much of a chance she has with you."

"I'll believe it when she says it," I replied, sending her a quick text.

"Wait, it's tomorrow, right?" Simon pouted. "That means you're going to miss Zach's birthday."

I completely forgot it was his birthday tomorrow. Simon's cousin Zach was a fun guy to hang out with, but due to his heavy involvement in the student council, he barely spent time with anyone outside of his immediate family or school. Every year for his birthday, though, we'd all go out and do something he wanted. This year, he chose a concert.

As much as I looked forward to seeing Zach again, I was more excited about going out with Clara. It'd been a while since we last saw each other, so I knew we'd have fun. We already talked so much via text that I knew we'd be able to pick up our conversation where we last left off in person. And with us being right in front of each other, we'd get to talk even more.

The bell above the door rang, and I habitually glanced over. My eyes jerked back over when my brain registered that it was Tylor who walked in. He was talking with a tall, attractive black man. He shaved his hair on the sides, leaving a short afro on top, and his muscular arm had a sleeve of tattoos.

"Woah," I exhaled.

"Is that at Tylor or his friend?" Simon slowly asked.

"His friend."

Simon kicked my foot, and I glared at him. "Quick reminder that you have a date tomorrow."

"That doesn't mean I can't appreciate the fact that another man is attractive."

"I hope you're talking about me," a sly voice whispered in my ear.

Jerking my head back, I glared at Tylor as he laughed at me. He placed his hands on his hips and smirked. "So, who was that comment about?"

"Your friend," Simon stated, and I glared at him.

"I can't blame you. Parker is very attractive," Tylor agreed. "Yuki is very lucky to have him."

"Do you have a crush on him?"

Tylor scoffed. "Absolutely not. I am not the kind of guy who falls for straight boys. I have too much self-respect to go back to that type of destructive behavior."

"That's good," Simon commented.

Tylor stared blankly at him and shrugged. "What can I say? I've worked hard to get to this state of mind, and I'm not planning on having anything drag me back down to who I used to be."

"Yo, Sugartits," Parker said as he shoved a tray of drinks into Tylor's hands. "Mind giving me a hand here."

"Well, I would clap, but I kind of have to hold this now," Tylor teased.

Parker smirked. "Cheeky. Come on."

"Well, we need to get back to the studio. We lost the coin toss, so we had to go on drink duty. I'll see you Monday, Damon."

Tylor refused to look at Simon as he exited the coffee shop, and Simon exhaled when he was out of the building. "I thought he was trying to evaporate me with his glare." He slipped his cheek into his hand. "Hopefully, I can actually apologize to him. I want him to know that I am sorry for everything that happened."

"Be careful. I know he's not a fan of you. Even after what you did to help him out."

Simon exhaled. "I don't blame him. I'm not a big fan of myself either."

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