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Song: Lost

Artist: Avenged Sevenfold 


When I met up with Clara at the mall, she was still the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen. She wore a black sleeveless dress with the bottom puffing out, black knee-length boots, and a purple leather jacket. With her red hair pushed back into a low ponytail and her makeup light and natural, she shined.

Once she saw me, she smiled widely and quickly walked up to me. She folded her hands in front of her and smiled up at me from under her eyelashes. I couldn't help but smile back.

We agreed to eat at the Red Robin in the mall. Thankfully, it wasn't that busy, so we got a seat quickly. Clara and I talked the entire time from before we ordered our food until we walked back out to our cars. Our conversation could have lasted all night, and we'd still have more we'd want to talk about.

Communication was one of the most important things to me in any relationship. If we couldn't talk, there'd be nothing to say. What I wanted from a boyfriend or girlfriend more than anything was to be able to talk forever with them and never have the conversation grow dull. While it seemed like I could get that from Clara, something felt off at the end of our date.

I had an amazing time with her, and I loved our conversation, but it felt like something was missing. What could have been missing?

It couldn't have been that I didn't like her. I knew I liked her. She was a sweet girl, and I enjoyed our date. It didn't feel like something I'd built up in my head, so I knew I wasn't disappointed with our date. I didn't know what was wrong, yet it seemed like something was.

My phone vibrated in my pocket, and I pulled it out to see Mystery texted me.

Don't think you can go to bed without telling me how your date went :insert extracted tongue emoji:

Laughing, I responded:

It went well but it feels like something is off

The response was instant.

With you or her?

Flopping onto my bed, I replied:


I don't know why. It wasn't as if anything went wrong with the date. I had a great time with her. We were talking the whole time, there wasn't a single lull in conversation, yet it just didn't feel right. It was as if something was missing, and I don't know what it could be.

Is that weird?

Not really.

Maybe you were building the date up in your head so much that it felt like it didn't quite meet your expectations. There might not have been anything wrong, but there was more of an internal dissection of it.


I doubted it, but it still could have been the case. I might have not wanted to admit it if it was true, but I still doubted it.

How about for your next date, you set your expectations super low. That way, when it goes a certain way, it seems like an even better date than this time.

Lol that could work

I'll try that.

So what did you two do?

We went out to dinner at the mall.

That's it?


What else would we do on a first date?

Maybe that was also part of it!

Next date, go out and do something with her. If all you two do is talk, how do you know you two like the same activities? You could have the same interests, but that doesn't mean you have the same preferences to it. You should take her to an amusement park or a concert or a museum. It should be something you can actively do together. By sitting and talking, you're missing the active part.

I'm going to be honest, the entire time you said that, I thought you were leading up to talking about having sex with her.

How lewd.

There is more to being active with a partner than just sex.

I know lol

Honestly, it would have been nice to have gone out and do something with her. I like dates to be more on the active side. Even if it's just taking a moonlight walk while talking, that's a lot better than sitting and talking.

Then there you go!

Try that for your next date.

So long as you didn't have a bad time, there's no harm in going on another date to see where things go. For all you know, it could be that you just don't like her in that way, but if you think you do, go on another date. Just be honest about your feelings the entire time to avoid any hurt feelings.

Could that have been the problem? Did I not like Clara in a romantic way? I felt like I did. I enjoyed hanging out with her and talking with her, but I also enjoyed that with Tylor, so that didn't tell me much.

Absolutely true!

And be sure to tell me all about it :insert smile emoji:

Chucking, I replied:

As if I wouldn't.

So how was your night?

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