Land of Confusion

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Song: Land of Confusion

Artist: Disturbed (Originally by Genesis)


It'd been a long time since I looked forward to texting someone new. Most of the people I texted were in the theatre program or relatives. No one ever asked for my number at a party, so having a girl as pretty as Clara give me her number threw me for a loop. But after our awesome conversation, I looked forward to texting her again.

Part of me wanted to text her the moment I got home, but with how late it was, I knew it'd be better to wait until the morning. The moment I woke up and checked my own notifications, I sent her a simple text:

Good morning Clara!

I didn't expect her to text back right away. With it being Sunday, she could have been an early bird or the type to sleep in until noon. While I waited, I showered and shaved. Before I headed downstairs for breakfast, my phone dinged with a text alert. Smiling at Clara's name on my screen, I opened the text.

Good morning! Who is Clara?

Was she joking around? It wasn't as if I entered her number wrong. She had my phone. She asked for my number first. Why wouldn't it be her?

Are you sure this isn't Clara?

The last time I checked, I wasn't a Clara.

Sorry, but I think she gave you a fake number.

That couldn't have been possible. Clara asked me for my number. I gave her my phone so she could enter her own number. After the nice conversation we had and the way she excitedly gave me her number, she wouldn't have intentionally given me the wrong number.

Unless she was faking it. Could what I thought was a good conversation have actually been her too afraid to stop or unable to find an excuse to leave? She seemed invested in our conversation and seemed to enjoy herself.

Or maybe she was only trying to make it seem like she was enjoying herself, so she could ask for my number and give me a fake one. She could have pitied me and wanted to rub salt in the wound.

That couldn't have been it, though. Clara genuinely seemed to enjoy our conversation, and she seemed excited and even a little shy to ask for my number. Why would she have given me a fake number? There had to be a logical answer.

Do you know anyone named Clara?

Even if I did, I wouldn't give you her number. Privacy, you know?

No, that's true.

I'm sorry to bother you. I hope you have a good day.

Sighing, I exited my room and walked to the kitchen to grab some breakfast. As I reached for the cinnamon cereal, my phone dinged with another new text from the wrong number.

I'm sorry Clara gave you a fake number.

Since she gave you a fake number, the logical side of me tells me I should block you. However, the more adventurous side of me is curious about what happened. So if you're cool texting a total stranger your situation, feel free to vent.

Chuckling at the text, I finished making my bowl of cereal and sat at the kitchen table.

I went to a party that a friend of mine from school was having. I wound up talking with his cousin for most of the night, and we had a really good conversation. We were both actively talking and listening, so it seemed like she was interested. At the end of the night, she asked me for my number, but since her phone was charging, I handed her my phone so she could add her number.

That's it?

Yeah. I went home afterwards.

How happy did she seem about getting your number?

Pretty happy.

I hate to ask this, but are you ugly? For all you know, it might have been a prank to act like she was enjoying the conversation, but was planning to give you a fake number in the end.

Unsure of how to answer the text, I pulled up my phone's camera and took a picture of me eating breakfast to send to her. Even though I didn't know who this girl was, she seemed polite. Hopefully she wouldn't mind me sending her a picture of me.

Maybe that was part of the reason Clara gave me a fake number. She thought I was too impulsive or something, and after asking for my number, she seemed too embarrassed to tell me she didn't want it anymore.

I received a reply instantly.

<insert heart-eyed emoji>


Though you are very handsome.

Snorting, I typed a reply.

Thank you. You're very sweet.

Okay. While you were talking with Clara, did you try to kiss her at all?


Touch her?

Not even a hug goodnight. The most we did was touch hands while exchanging my phone back and forth.

Okay, so you're a handsome guy with manners. She's the one who entered her number into your phone. Honestly, she might have accidentally typed in her number wrong. Maybe she forgot to double check it or it was so late that it didn't register that she messed up a number. It happens to the best of us.

Maybe she did enter her number wrong. That would explain the genuineness of her all night and her excitement over giving me her number. However, there was still a slight chance she might not have actually wanted my number to begin with and purposefully gave me the wrong number.

Luckily, you said that she was your friend's cousin. Maybe you could ask them what happened?

I'm not sure. In case she did purposefully give me the wrong number, I'd rather not face that embarrassment.

I get it.

But are you really okay with not knowing or following up? You liked her enough to get her number. Wouldn't you want to know what happened?

I'm going to see her in a month. Me and her cousin are in a play together, so she's coming to see the show. I can figure it out then.

You're willing to wait a whole month? What if she did type in her number wrong? That leaves her sitting and wondering what happened for an entire month! I bet she'd think she did something wrong and that you aren't interested. It could ruin your whole love story!

I chuckled.

You seem very passionate about my romance with Clara.

Honestly, nothing is happening in my life.

Your drama is like my own personal soap opera. I have to know what happens next lol

All joking aside, I think she should know what happened in the off chance that she did enter her number wrong. And if the two of you do like each other, why wait a whole month when you can start dating now?

Smiling, I typed a reply.

Thank you. That's very sweet of you. The next time I see him, I'll bring it up.

Thanks for letting me talk to you about it.

Thanks for indulging me with your love fiasco. Your messages made my day. Thank you!

I wasn't sure who this girl was, but she was certainly a sweetheart.

Hopefully you'll find love soon, too.

One can only dream of a romance like yours.

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