Old Flames

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Song: Old Flames

Artist: Coheed and Cambria


Is it usually rare for you all to go out as a family?

Kind of. We're usually the type who will make food at home because it's easier. We only go out to dinner for special occasions, but it's not really a special occasion. My moms just didn't want to cook.

At least you get to go out for dinner. I'm stuck deciding what to make once I get home. I could always make instant ramen or something but it seems too boring.

Well then I guess I won't send any pics of my amazing meal to make you feel bad :insert tongue emoji:

:insert deadpan emoji:

You suck

I try.

"Damon, will you please not be on your phone all night?" mom joked as we all climbed into the car.

"I won't," I laughed as I shoved my phone in my back pocket.

I knew it wouldn't annoy Mystery if I didn't text him while I was out. While I always tried to message him back the moment I could, I at least let him know I was going out for dinner, so he wouldn't think I was blowing him off.

It felt weird to still be texting Mystery. Even though we were friends, we became friends because he was curious about my relationship with Clara and wanted to know how things went between us. Things between Clara and I were over, and I still hadn't told him about the call off. While I was sure we solidified our friendship enough to warrant us to continue being friends even now, I didn't want to risk losing him. He was my friend, and I cared about him. I liked him.

Simon enjoyed teasing me about liking both Mystery and Tylor, though he teased me about Tylor more. While I would never admit it, defending myself against his claims helped me process my feelings. I knew I could talk to Simon about what I was feeling, and while he teased me, he never judged me. He allowed me to figure it out at my own pace, and he was supportive, no matter what. So all I needed to do was figure out how I liked them both.

My conversations with Mystery were some of the best parts of my day, but so were the ones that I had with Tylor. With him, though, I could actually see him in person and determine how well we worked together. While there was always something new I was learning about him, there wasn't a lot that could be left to the imagination.

With Mystery, however, I didn't know what he looked like, what his name was, or anything that would reveal his identity. The most identifiable he got was claiming that people considered him a dominant person, but he enjoyed wearing feminine clothes when he was relaxing at home. It almost seemed as if he and Tylor would get along when talking about clothes. If they ever wound up talking to each other. I was sure Mystery would love Tylor's stage costumes, and Tylor wouldn't ever judge Mystery for wearing what he wanted to wear. It would be a great way to bond.

But because there was so little I knew about him, I had to leave most of it to the imagination. Everything from his face to his body to even his smell was stuff I could only picture. I wasn't even sure if I'd have the chance to actually talk with him in person. For all I knew, I could have already met him and didn't know it because he didn't want to tell me who he was.

As much as I would love to meet him in person, I'd never pressure Mystery into revealing who he was. He had his reasons for wanting to keep his identity a secret, and I respected that. While it would be nice to one day meet him in person, I'd be content with us just being online friends and nothing more.

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