Welcome to the Family

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Song: Welcome to the Family

Artist: Avenged Sevenfold


Levon's Music Emporium sat in the middle of the outdoor mall. Many local businesses surrounded his shop, as the Main Mall Lot favored them over big corporations.

I sat in my car, staring at the entrance. As much as I wanted to walk in sign up for my first guitar lesson, I didn't think it would actually work out how I wanted it to. After all, I didn't even own a guitar.

The only reason I sat in front of his store was because of what my mom said to me the other day.

As I swirled my cereal around in my bowl, my mom quirked her eyebrow at me. "Are you feeling okay, honey?"

"I'm alright," I sighed. "Kinda bummed, but it's nothing serious."

"What's going on?"

"I just realized that with musical rehearsals starting, I wouldn't get to hang out with Tylor as much as before."

She puckered her lips as she turned to the dirty dishes in the sink. "You'll still get to see him at school, right?"

"Yeah, but we'll only really see each other at lunch."

"Maybe you can hang out after rehearsals."

"He has a job and band practice."

"Where does he work?"

"For Levon at his music shop."

"Well, it's too bad you're not getting any lessons from him. You could see Tylor at work."

Dropping my spoon in my cereal, I jerked my head up at my mom. "That's it!"

"You're going to take piano lessons?" she snickered, and I rolled my eyes. "You'll hate it."

"Maybe not piano, but guitar. That's the kind of thing directors look for on a resume. If I played guitar, I'd have a better chance at being in certain musicals."

"Plus, you and Tylor can play together," she giggled, and I rolled my eyes.

Even if she was joking, Tylor did know how to play. Going to guitar lessons once a week would have been a great way for us to still see each other outside of school. Plus, it would help me with my acting career. Any special skills, no matter how absurd, were important to directors for casting specific roles. Knowing how to play the guitar would increase my chances of being cast in different shows.

Not wanting to wait in my car any longer, I finally walked into the store. Even if I couldn't sign up for lessons, it would still be good to get some more information.

As I glanced around the lobby, I expected to see Tylor in the front since he doubled as a receptionist, but the store was empty.

Walking further into the store, I glanced around the lobby. There was a fake fireplace built into the wall with a few couches next to it. Music magazines covered the coffee table. They set a small coffee station up behind the couches, next to a bookshelf aligned with awards and music catalogues. Pictures and newspaper articles of apparent students who won awards covered the walls.

Most noticeably was an article with Levon and a middle school-looking Tylor standing beside each other. Tylor held a trophy in his hands, staring directly into the camera with dead eyes and no smile. Levon stood behind him with his hand on his shoulder, smiling proudly at the camera. The article talked about how Tylor won a piano contest where he won against adult professional piano players.

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