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Song: Paranoia

Artist: A Day To Remember


As I finished playing my first song, Levon clapped loudly and smiled proudly. "Damon, I am very proud of you. You're learning a lot quicker than I would have thought you would."

"It definitely helps that you let me borrow this guitar," I replied as I put it back in its case. "If I couldn't practice at home, I wouldn't be doing so good right now."

"I'm glad you're having fun. And I'm glad you're taking such good care of it."

"Yeah. Both Tylor and my mom let me know how good it was and that it needed to preserved."

"Does you mom still play piano?"

"Not really. We have one in the living room, but it's more decorative than anything. She might play when no one's home, though," I replied. "You know, now that I think about it, it's weird that you taught her. It's not like my grandparents had a lot of money growing up where they could pay you $100 an hour for her lessons."

"I knew your mom back when she was a teenager and I was in my mid-twenties. She was the daughter of our family friend's friend, and she needed to learn piano for a school play, so I taught her. Afterwards, I agreed to still teach her for ten bucks an hour," he replied. "Over the years, I grew more prominent in the music industry, but I've always loved teaching music. That's why I opened this store. Honestly, teaching your mom made me want to continue teaching students. As much fun as traveling and performing is, I enjoy being home with my boyfriend."

"I didn't know you were seeing someone."

"You didn't?"

I shook my head.

"Huh... Well, I know you'll meet him eventually."

"Does he come visit you here often?" I asked as I followed him out of the practice room.

"No. He works a lot. He's a firefighter, so he tends to work a 24-48 shift, but he'll sometimes work longer if he's needed or he knows I'm around to help watch his son. When he's not working, he'll usually be spending time with him or with me, but we don't like to let work clash unless he's coming to a show or recital for the students."

"Do you teach his son then?"

"I do."

"Do you think I'll run into him here?"

"Tylor, Parker, what the hell are you two doing?" Levon snapped.

Looking past Levon's shoulder at the lobby, I laughed at Parker and Tylor wrestling. Everyone In Tylor's band and Parker's girlfriend, Yuki, were cheering Tylor on. Obviously, it was all good natured, but it must have looked bad for business considering they were wrestling in front of the window. Anyone could look in and see, which would be bad for business.

"Parker was being an ass again," Tylor nonchalantly responded.

"It was a joke."

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't realize. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha," he deadpanned, letting Parker go.

"I've told the two of you to knock it off in front of the window. And I've told the rest of you to prevent them from fighting in front of the window."

"In Tylor's defense, Parker deserved it," Yuki said, giggling as Parker quickly wrapped his arms around her and tickled her sides.

"Oh, did I now? I was just speaking the truth."

"Yeah, the annoying truth," Tylor scoffed. "Stay out of it next time, and I won't kick your ass."

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