Call Me Little Sunshine

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Song: Call Me Little Sunshine

Artist: Ghost


Over the next week, I texted Tylor, Mystery, and Clara a lot. I got to learn more about all of them. Mystery and I had a different relationship compared to the others. We were there to vent about problems and get help from the other without judgement. Without our identities holding us back, we could be more open about what was annoying or confusing us, and we'd do our best to support each other.

Whenever we talked about life, we kept our private lives private. While we were talking about our problems, we never dove deep into our lives. We never talked about our respective families or dove too deep into our history. Most stories we told each other were for entertainment, as we wanted to keep our private lives private.

The most personal I got with Mystery was talking about Clara, but that was mainly because she knew about her. She asked me to keep her up to date on what was happening between us, and I was honest to an extent. I never went into super deep detail about anything, but I told her what I was feeling. At the end of the day, she agreed with what Simon said: don't overthink it and see where things go.

Regarding Tylor, we had a similar text relationship as Mystery, only we were okay talking about our personal lives. He was friends with Simon now, and we'd talked more about our upbringings and our dads and how them disowning us in their own ways impacted our lives. While I could tell he was nonchalant about it on the outside, it had to hit him deep inside. Yet he never showed any remorse when talking about his dad. He only ever grew emotional talking about his mentor Levon or his brother, Ryder. They were the people he cared about.

It felt as if we were getting closer, because he was telling me more about his life and the things that truly impacted his life. One day, while we were sitting in the practice room, he was playing a piece by some insanely difficult piece by some famous piano player while I was doing homework.

"How old were you when you first started playing piano?"

"Six. My parents were grooming me to be a professional concert pianist. I loved playing piano with my mom, and she had me learn from her old teacher. He refused to let me stop playing until I played a piece perfectly three times in a row. I couldn't even get up to use the bathroom until I did.

"In order to be good enough to move on, I practiced whenever I could and made sure I could play it three times perfectly in a row the next time I saw him. Eventually, playing these types of pieces became second nature," he explained. "It may have been a fucking walk through hell, but I learned. No one can tell me I can't play."

Eventually, he turned to metal to release his anger and resentment in a healthier way. He was always working on new music for the band or practicing songs for his band to play live. Not everything about his life revolved around his band, but music was one of the most important things in his life.

I couldn't blame him. Acting was a way for me to escape life and be someone else with someone else's problems. It was an escape, but it wasn't my whole life, just something I enjoyed doing. I loved the atmosphere, the work, and the people in the department. It was fun for me. Tylor and I saw eye to eye in that sense.

As for Clara, we still talked as we normally did, but with her, I didn't feel as open as I did the first night we met. I wanted to make a good impression on her, so I always watched what I said and kept up appearances. While I wanted to be open with her and tell her all about me and get to know all about her, it felt like I had to keep certain things bottled until later on.

What was even appropriate to talk about when you first start seeing someone? When is the best time to talk about family issues? When should you talk about the future? What was too soon to talk about, and what was okay to talk about now before anyone got too invested and felt as if they wasted their time?

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