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Song: Her

Artist: Poppy


As soon as I walked through my front door, Stacy bombarded me with a hug. "Oh, thank god you're okay! I thought something happened to you. Please call or text us if you're going to be out late."

"I texted mom I was going to be out late with my friends." I shrugged. "Granted, it turned into a date with Clara, but I still told her I'd be out late."

"I told you he would be fine," mom called out from the couch. She turned her head and smiled back at me. "Don't let the gatekeeper ruin your night."

"I'm not a gatekeeper. He's never out this late."

"You're making me sound lame," I chuckled.

"You are. That's why I worried," she said, and I pouted. "I'm only kidding."

"I'm sorry I worried you," I said and kissed her cheek. "I will send you a step-by-step guideline pertaining to everything I'm doing from now on, so I will never worry you again."

"See, hon, if you just ask him, he'll go along with it."

"Sit your ass down next to me, and leave the boy alone," mom commanded, prompting Stacy and I to laugh.

"I am sorry for worrying you."

"That's okay, since she knew you were being safe. It's just that even the safest people can be put in danger."

"Which is exactly why I should go out and live my life. Enjoy it while I can."

"I'm going to take it you used protection on this date," mom deadpanned.

"Mom!" I exclaimed, and she and Stacy cackled.

"I'm kidding, love. Seriously, how did it go?"

"It was fine..."

Stacy cuddled into my mom's side, and I walked over to sit on the ottoman across from them.

"Originally, I was going to hang out with Tylor and his bandmates since he invited me, but then I got a call from Clara asking to meet her at the Rosewood Flower Garden."

"What a lovely spot," mom commented.

"It was, but then... I don't know. She suddenly didn't seem like she was having a good time."

"Maybe it was just an off night," Stacy suggested. "Make the next date count. Go above and beyond to show her you want to make things work."

"I don't think I want them to," I admitted.

"Just because of one off night?"

I shook my head. "I've been thinking about it for a while, and I can only really see her as a friend. If she even wants to still be friends after I tell her."

"There's nothing wrong with that," mom assured me. "When you get the chance, preferably in person, tell her how you feel. Be gentle but compassionate and understanding. Things will be okay. It's not like this is a failed marriage or anything. It was a few dates in high school. You don't have to feel guilty about it so long as you remain honest about your feelings."

I smiled. "Thanks, mom."

Stacy kissed her cheek. "I couldn't have said it better myself."

"You should know how to, at least. You are the writer in this family," mom teased.

I left my moms to finish their movie and changed into sweatpants before flopping onto my bed. Tylor sent me a few Snap messages asking how the date was going, and I told him it wasn't the best but kept it vague. I didn't want to go into the details with him yet.

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