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Song: Peacekeepers

Artist: Metalite


I always enjoyed texting with Mystery. Our conversations were always easy. Since she had no idea who I was, I could open up and really talk about what was going on. And if things ever escalated to a point where neither of us could stand talking to each other, we could block each other and everything would be over.

Whenever I talked with Clara, I felt like I had to keep up appearances. With us still getting to know each other, I had to filter everything I said to prevent making an ass of myself or make her feel bad.

That could have also been why the date felt off. Since I wanted to make a good impression, I monitored everything I said. I wasn't at the same stage with her where I felt I could say anything without thinking like I was with Mystery. I hated thinking like that, because I liked Clara and wanted to see what would happen between us. I couldn't do that if I couldn't be my full self.

As I walked to my locker, I heard both Tylor and Simon laughing. When I saw them standing next to Tylor's locker, talking happily as if there was never any bad blood between them, I nearly pinched myself. And when Simon said something funny and Tylor playfully shoved his shoulder, my knees wobbled.

It wasn't that I wasn't happy to see them getting along; I had to remind myself that what I felt was not anger. It was confusion. Those two hated each other before the weekend began, and suddenly they were all buddy-buddy? What the hell happened?

Slowly walking over to them, they smiled as they looked at me. "Good... morning?"

"Morning, man," Tylor greeted, crossing his arms and leaning against the neighboring locker.

"What's up?" Simon asked.

"Not much." Pointing between the two, I quirked my eyebrow.

Simon and Tylor looked at each other and giggled to themselves. "Should I tell him or you?"

"As his best friend, I feel responsible to tell him."

Tylor nodded and addressed me with his hand.

"Zach picked out Sludgehammer to see live in concert," Simon stated.

"But that's..." Jerking my head to Tylor, he closed his eyes and nodded with a smile. I glared at Simon. "You fucking prick! I've been wanting to see his band longer than you."

"Well, I didn't know it was going to be him," Simon defended, chuckling. "Trust me, when I saw him on stage in those-"

"No, no, no," Tylor quickly said, grabbing Simon's arm. "Don't tell him. I want it to be a surprise for when he sees us live."

"Ooh, you're right," Simon said, nodding energetically like a bobble head. "Anyway, turns out Zach's been following Tylor's band for a while, and he was hoping he'd get the chance to flirt with him if he could meet him after the show. Since I knew Tylor, I figured I'd ask."

"I was pissed," Tylor stated.

"You really were," Simon laughed.

"After I finished chewing him out, we wound up talking about what was going on in both our lives and why we behaved the way we did, both in middle school and now. We had a long, in-depth discussion about it, and we came to mutual understanding. I agreed to talk to Zach, and Simon worked hard to get us to go out for coffee."

Simon shrugged. "I felt like I owed it to him."

"Zach was so adorable," he giggled. "He was so nervous, he asked Simon to come on the date with us. So it was the three of us in the coffeehouse, and he left early, leaving Simon and I to talk more."

Simon wrapped his arm around Tylor's shoulders and smiled cheekily. "I see why you love this guy. I love him too."

I was jealous. Simon got to see Tylor perform, and they wound up hanging out afterwards and became great friends. I wanted to go, too. I wished I was there. For all I knew, the reason it felt like something was off between Clara and I was because deep down I knew I was missing the chance to see Tylor perform. I should have been the one to see him live first.

At least the two wound up becoming friends. As I watched the two laugh with each other, I knew to let go of my jealousy. My old and new best friends were officially friends. If my date with Clara led to that, then it was a good thing our date was that night instead of any other night.

"I'll see you guys later," Tylor said, patting my shoulder as he passed me to get to class.

Simon smirked at me. "You're jealous."

"I was friends with him first, and yet you got to see his band first? How is that fair?"

"Oh, you'll see him play again," Simon claimed, rolling his eyes. "Besides, you had a date with Clara. How did it go?"

"It went well, but I can tell it was nowhere near as exciting as your date with Tylor and your cousin," I teased.

Simon groaned as he kicked himself off the locker. He slapped my back as we walked down the hall to class. "Those two were pretty adorable together. Tylor was this calm, silent, dominant type. Zach was absolute putty in his hands, and you could see the adoration in their eyes. And it was just the first date. Imagine what would happen if they were on their own."

I didn't want to. Whatever it was, it was clearly more passionate than what I had with Clara. Could that have been what was missing from the date? Was there any passion between us? I knew I liked her, but how much? What did it even mean to like someone passionately? How was I supposed to like her passionately? What should I have felt in that moment, because whatever I was feeling did not feel like the right emotion?

"You good?"

"I don't know how I feel about Clara," I admitted. "I know I like her, but based on what you said about Zach and Tylor, I know I don't feel that."

"Dude, it was the first date. You don't have to have all the answers right now. Just see where things go between you two and figure it out along the way."

I knew Simon was right. I had to stop putting pressure on my feelings for Clara and figure out how I felt as we talked and hung out more. But something about that still felt wrong to me.

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