Cliff Edge

381 13 3

ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: Lauren Aquilla - Forest Fires


◄◄⠀▐▐ ⠀►►⠀⠀ ⠀ 0:00 / 3:47 ⠀ ───○ 🔊⠀ ᴴᴰ ⚙ ❐ ⊏⊐

Sorry to disappoint again

Nobody pines for the listener

A thrill I've failed to deliver


Falling, darkness, abyss.

The sickening sound of bones breaking was heard, and she could feel her legs crumple.

Pain shot up her legs, and she fell to her knees, laying her head on the stone-cold floor before her vision faded.


Her eyes fluttered open, seeing something or someone towering over her.

Focusing her vision, she saw a dark-skinned boy with chocolate brown eyes and shaggy coal hair.

She also saw an old man, with a long beard that weirdly smelled of tea.

''What happened?'' She asked, confused. She tried to sit up, but the old man gently pushed her back down.

''You fell, and you broke both of your legs.'' The old man replied.

(Y/n)'s eyes grew wide. ''I-I did?!''

''Yeah, let's go.'' The shaggy-haired male said, starting to walk out of the cave.

''Cole, would you be so kind to help her? I am an old man, it's wise to respect your elders.'' The old man said, looking at (Y/n).

''Cole'' groaned, and walked over to her, wrapping an arm around her back while she awkwardly got up.

The three began walking, to who knows where.


After walking up the steps to a Monastery, and opening the gates, the trio went inside.

Two people were already there, in black ninja gi.

Turning around, they saw the trio. ''Master Wu!'' Said one, taking off his mask. He had short, straight, reddish-brown hair, with a notch on his right eyebrow. His electric blue eyes sparkled as he looked at (Y/n) and Cole, he blinked.

''Who are they, Master Wu?'' One asked, taking off his mask. He had blue eyes, lighter than the firsts'. He had platinum blond hair, and he wore a straight expression.

''Zane, Jay, meet Cole and...'' Wu started, looking at her as if asking for her name.

''(L/n). (Y/n) (L/n).'' She replied, lowering her gaze.

Cole walked her over to a chair facing the courtyard. He then put her down into it and walked inside.

Master Wu stroked his beard. ''Jay, Zane, Cole and (Y/n), look after the monastery.'' He said, holding a bamboo staff.

''Wait, you're leaving us, again?!'' Jay exclaimed.

The old man nodded. ''Be good.''

He then walked out of the monastery, with the trio watching him.

(Y/n) sighed, wincing as she felt the pain in her legs.

Jay turned to her. ''You okay?'' He asked, hesitantly.

''No, I'm not.'' (Y/n) answered softly. ''I broke both of my legs.''

His expression grew concerned. ''Maybe you should lay down.''

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