Fame to Framed

19 1 0

ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: Halsey - Castle


◄◄⠀▐▐ ⠀►►⠀⠀ ⠀ 0:00 / 4:18 ⠀ ───○ 🔊⠀ ᴴᴰ ⚙ ❐ ⊏⊐

Oh, all of these minutes passing

Sick of feeling used

If you wanna break these walls down

You're gonna get bruised


The screen panned around a golden teapot with three blue panels surrounding it and Jay yelled and grunted. The camera zoomed in on the teapot and the reflection revealed a skeleton being kicked by Jay, grunting once again.

Jaybird whipped out his nunchucks, fighting the skeleton who was dodging his attacks. The Lightning Ninja knocked the skeleton away and four more skeletons drop from the ceiling.

Jay grabbed the teapot handle and turned it switching the first blue panel to red, which flipped around to reveal Hair-gell head.

''Ninja, go!'' Kai exclaimed, using spinjitzu to defeat the skeletons.

A skeleton was knocked down a ramp, and under was Zane stretching his arms. Some skeletons sprinted down the hall and the Great Cake Devourer ghostly emerges from the wall making the skeletons ran back only to find a punch from Zane who crashed through a barrier of ice.

Porcupine and Jaybird came sliding down the ramp whooping with excitement and all four ninja lined up together facing the screen. Cole went forward and pounded the floor tripping the skeletons into the wall, and the ninja went into their fighting stances.

The Four-Armed-Samukai crashed through the wall and charged at them. Suddenly, a bright green light appeared and the Green Bean emerged. He landed and punched Samukai with his green Energy.

''Do you have the golden scroll, Lloyd?'' Hair-Gelled Porcupine asked the Green Ninja in a projected voice.

''I sure do, Kai! But I don't know what is says. Can anyone help me read it?'' Lloyd questioned.

''We can! Because reading is the first step to every adventure. Go, reading, go!'' The ninja said at the same time.

''And... Cut! Brilliance plus perfection! Clean up, little fellas and make some headway here. That's a wrap!'' Dareth spoke.

''A wrap?'' Nya asked. ''I just got here. Dareth said—''

''Hey, hey! There's my boys! I knew you could Spinjitzu but that acting knocked me out.'' The Brown Ninja told the boys. He then noticed Nya. ''Oh, hey, sweetheart. Mind sticking around for a segment to teach girls how to apply makeup?'' He asked.

Nya looked to the back corner, where some girls applied makeup, Dareth's words angering the Water Ninja. ''You're gonna need makeup when I rearrange your face!'' She yelled, walking over to punch him but the Lightning Ninja held her back.

Jay grunted. ''Easy! Nya is one of us now, there's no reason she should be treated differently.''

''No Reason? You added a girl to the group. You know how much that hurts your image? You're a boy band, a hunk machine!'' Dareth replied.

''No. We're equals. Our power comes from no one being more important than the other.'' The Green Bean told him.

''Important? No. Irresistible... uh, debatable.'' Kai said, winking at some fangirls in the doorway, making them scream and try to run to him, but the guards prevented them from doing so.

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