Replacement Ninja Team, ASSEMBLE!

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ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: Imagine Dragons - Warriors


◄◄⠀▐▐ ⠀►►⠀⠀ ⠀ 0:00 / 2:50 ⠀ ───○ 🔊⠀ ᴴᴰ ⚙ ❐ ⊏⊐

Will come

When you'll have to rise

Above the best and prove yourself

Your spirit never dies!


The Brown Ninja showed off his dog, who was dancing on two legs.

''Now look, I know stars when I see them, and this mutt here is as talented as they come,'' Dareth told the judges. ''No, Puddles, not here. No! Oh!''

''You wouldn't know talent if it smacked you in the face. Now get out of here!'' The man told him, and the Brown Ninja left with his dog.

''But I would know a Ninja when I saw him. A Brown Ninja. Still have the suit?'' Jay asked. ''I'm looking for some help.''

''I've been waiting for this day,'' Dareth answered, and spun around, changing into his Brown Ninja gi. ''Who else did you have in mind?''

In the museum, Soto the pirate captain held a saw, with his replacement leg being an egg beater. He was about to saw the bone off a dinosaur exhibit when Ginja appeared, holding his peg leg.

Skylor threw out a customer, dusting her hands off as she walked outside to see Jay. The Lightning Ninja took one glance at the customer before turning his gaze to the Master of Amber.

''Let me guess, you're not here for the noodles.'' The red-haired girl said with a smile.

Meanwhile, at the lighthouse, Echo Zane was fixing Tai-D and finished. The little robot spun around and pointed to the window, where Jay was standing.

The Police Commissioner was arresting Ronin, while the thief looked at the ground. ''Well, back to your old ways, huh, Ronin?'' He asked before Jay whistled, gaining their attention, and gesturing for them to come with him.

''Mmm-hmm.'' Ronn replied.

''Okay.'' The Commissioner took off his cuffs, throwing them aside and the two followed Jay.

A stranger dressed in an indigo cloak watched as the Lightning Ninja walked away, his hair hidden beneath his hood. His dark green eyes gleamed, and he strode towards Ginja with purpose, who was unaware of his presence, intending on uniting the replacement ninja team.

Remo peeked his head out from the hood, glancing around at their surroundings, his forked tongue flickering. He then retreated into the dark depths of the Master of Wind's hood, shy from the lack of (Y/n)'s a comforting presence.

Morro hurried to the spot where Jay would have to pass, and lowered his hood, making the Lightning Ninja stop in his tracks.

''Morro?!'' Jay said, shocked to find his former enemy no longer a ghostly green and transparent, the bags beneath Morro's eyes caused by lack of rest.

''Yeah, it's me,'' The Master of Wind replied, rolling his eyes. ''And Remo's here too.'' He added, with the little snake once again poking his head out to greet the Lightning Ninja.


''I'll explain later.'' Morro interrupted. ''I'll join your team of replacements if you get me a coffee and Remo a ham sandwich.''


''Okay, listen up. Nya's about to wed someone I despise. And I'm not going to mince words: after he does, big surprise, he'll become all-powerful.'' Jay informed the gathered group, making most of them gasp save for Skylor, Echo and unsurprisingly Morro.

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