You've Been Hacked

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ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: Twenty One Pilots - Air catcher


◄◄⠀▐▐ ⠀►►⠀⠀ ⠀ 0:00 / 4:14 ⠀ ───○ 🔊⠀ ᴴᴰ ⚙ ❐ ⊏⊐

And I just don't say

What you want to hear

So I'll write my fears

And I don't believe

In talking just to breathe

And falling selfishly


Harumi when talking about her parents: Sometimes in my dreams, they're right next to me. It's like they're still here, but then I, I wake up.

(Y/n): Same. Well, kinda.

When you rule by fear, your greatest weakness is one who's no longer afraid. - Unknown

Green Bean time

By the time the ninja had gotten to the pair's location, it was already night time, as they looked with the searchlight they had on the Destiny's Bounty. The ninja stood at the rails, peering down into the darkness.

The searchlight then landed on the nindroid, who was half-buried in dirt and sand. Lloyd and Nya then went down the ropes, looking at Zane.

''Zane! Zane, can you hear me?'' The Green Ninja questioned in concern as he ran over to the nindroid.

''What did they do to him?'' Nya asked.

''Say something, Zane. Can you hear us? Zane?'' Jay questioned, sounding desperate.

''Wait, where's (Y/n)?'' Cole inquired, glancing around to search for the Orange Ninja. The others looked at him, equally as concerned as he was.

Remo, in fact, was even more worried, as he sat at Emo Rapunzel's feet, peering into the murky darkness surrounding the ninja. ''What if they took her?'' He asked aloud.

''Cole, you get Zane on the gurney, and the others, spread out, we'll find her,'' Lloyd told the team and they went to do their jobs, searching the place for the girl, spread out like butter on toast (or bread).

A few minutes later and they still hadn't found the girl, not until the little snake cried out:

''I've found her!''

The ninja rushed over to where he was, taking in the sight of the injured girl, who looked like she had been forced through a thorn bush and back, with scratches scattered across her body, and one of her arms with a bandage wrapped around it.

The little ham sandwich devourer sat close to the girl, letting out a sigh of relief when he realised she was still alive, and gently nudged her arm to see if she would wake up.

''Is it just me or did (Y/n) get off easy?'' Jay asked, looking down at her.

''Jay, this really isn't the time.''

''You can see that she's been injured, but someone's fixed her wounds.'' Morro pointed out, gesturing to the bandage on her arm. ''And perhaps that same someone-''

Remo gasped, spotting something. ''Dave!'' He exclaimed happily as he saw the praying mantis. Dave stood still as the little snake slithered a bit closer and let him get on his head, swaying a bit as the little ham sandwich devourer moved his head.

''And what do you know, the return of the legendary Dave.'' The Lightning Ninja said as he looked down at Remo, who was singing a little song about Dave and ham sandwiches he made up himself.

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