Sweet Tea

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ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: Evanescence - Imaginary


◄◄⠀▐▐ ⠀►►⠀⠀ ⠀ 0:00 / 4:24 ⠀ ───○ 🔊⠀ ᴴᴰ ⚙ ❐ ⊏⊐

Swallowed up in the sound of my screaming

Cannot cease for the fear of silent nights

Oh how I long for the deep sleep dreaming

The goddess of imaginary light


''Great, now all the tea for the testing trial is gone.'' (Y/n) said, picking the bag up. ''Looks like I'll have to get more.''

The girl passed a few drawings on her desk, one with a boy that had brown curly hair, one with charcoal hair, and a silver snake.

''Really hope the tea shop's open.'' She picked up her bag and was about to go out of her room when she noticed her (b/s) necklace on her bed.

Taking it as well, she headed out of the room, and to the tea shop.


''Riské's Tea Shop?'' (Y/n) asked someone, who shrugged and continued about their day. She frowned, looking at the paved streets for something that could help her.

A drop of rain fell onto her skin, and she looked up to see dark grey stormy clouds. The rain began to pour, soaking her clothes, those lucky to have an umbrella or a raincoat was dry and possibly warm, while she walked in the rain.

''I wonder if the others miss me, I miss them too...'' She murmured, and a person walking past walked faster, away from her.

Sighing, she took the card out from her pocket. There was a picture of a map, with a red dot to mark where the place was.

''Alright, here we go.''


Finally arriving at the tea shop, (Y/n) made her way inside. The inside of the teashop was small, with more than one light hanging from the ceiling.

There were jars of tea leaves on the counter, and (Y/n) could hear an old lady in the back struggling with something.

''Riské?'' (Y/n) called for the old tea lady.

''Coming!'' The lady replied, and soon she appeared, holding a box of something. She put it down underneath the counter and looked at the young girl.

''Oh, (Y/n)? Are you satisfied with how your trial went?'' The old woman asked, leaning on the counter.

''Yes, and I want to go back. Is there any more of that tea you gave me?'' (Y/n) asked, holding up the empty packet.

''Luckily for you, there's some in the back, let me go get it,'' Riské replied, going into the back to grab the tea.

While (Y/n) waited, she remembered all the things she did in Ninjago, meeting the boys, Remo eating his ham sandwiches, Morro speaking for the first time in her head, seeing that awful floating bacteria, Zane breaking his record, and so much more.

The woman came back, holding a jar of the tea (Y/n) was supposed to have. ''Have this before you go to sleep, with some biscuits, makes it a little sweeter so you can get to sleep easier.''

The young girl nodded, grabbing some money out of her pocket to give to the woman. She placed it on the counter, and the woman took it, checking if there was any change and putting it into a safe.

Riské slowly turned the jar of tea so that (Y/n) would not see the warning on the side, and the girl took it and headed out of the shop to have her special tea.


(Y/n) yawned as she prepared to go to bed. She poured the hot water into a cup of the tea and waited for it to brew, while she did so she drew something to pass the time.

There was a knock on her door, and (Y/n) answered with a 'come in'. Her little brother appeared, slowly opening the door.

''What do you need?'' (Y/n) asked her brother, whose eyes darted curiously around the room, before resting on the tea she was brewing.

''What's that?'' He asked, pointing a finger at it.

''Tea, it helps me go to sleep.'' (Y/n) replied.

''Can I have some? Mummy's asleep and I'm really tired, I want to go to sleep too.'' Her little brother asked, a hopeful look on his face.

''Sorry Amias, but it's a special tea I bought, maybe you can play games until you go to sleep?'' (Y/n) asked, taking a bite out of a biscuit.

Amias frowned, looking at her. He then looked towards the jar of tea on her desk, and ran forward, grabbing it. (Y/n) turned her head, seeing him disappear from the room, holding something in his small hands.

She then looked at the desk, seeing the Dream Tea gone. She got up and ran after him, running down the stairs. Her young brother slept in the cupboard under the stairs, as he had read many books.

''Amias?'' She called out his name, opening the door to the cupboard. No one was there, except for his toy snake.

She found him, in the kitchen having a tea party with his toys, except for his toy snake. He was about to drink the tea in his cup, so (Y/n) ran forward, and knocked the tea out of his hand. Amias looked at her, his mouth wide open and looking like he was about to cry.

''Oh no no no no....'' (Y/n) knew what came next, the fit.

Grabbing some milk from the fridge, she placed it in the microwave to warm it and then she poured it into a cup and gave it to the boy, who stopped crying to drink the warm milk.

Sighing in relief, she took the jar of tea, hoping the boy hadn't drunken any tea, otherwise he'd join his heroes in Gotham City.

She then went back to her bedroom, and put the jar of tea somewhere a secret, so her brother would never find it and try to drink it.

Finding that the tea was done well, she took the tea bag out, and went to her bed, picking up the biscuit packet and opening it.

(Y/n) turned off the light, and looked at the glow-in-the-dark stars that dotted the ceiling, along with her light-up solar system model hanging from the ceiling as well.

Leaning over, she took the teacup in her hand and the biscuits. She ate the biscuits, sipping the warm and sweet tea. She could already feel her eyelids getting heavy, and as her eyes closed, she smiled, and then the reality was washed away, replaced with the memories of old friends, familiar places and the longing desire to be with them.


She opened her eyes, finding herself flying in the blue sky. A light surrounded her, and viewers from below looked up, seeing the sunglow brilliance that had appeared before their very eyes.

'Welcome back to Ninjago.' Morro spoke, sounding happy.

'Thank you, Morro, what's happened while I was gone?' She asked the spooky Master of Wind.

'The others miss you, especially Remo who has found you gone, Lloyd's put up missing posters and has gone to find you, and he's defeated the Overlord.'

'Good, couldn't stand that yucky floating bacteria.' (Y/n) replied. She looked down, seeing that she was getting closer to the ground by the second.

Her descent slowed, and she safely landed on the ground on her feet. Looking around, everything had become futuristic, and she was at the entrance of a tall tower with people walking down the steps and giving her weird looks.

''Hello, Ninjago.'' (Y/n) said with a smile.


A little filler xd

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Have a great day or night, wherever you are.

See ya, Bookworms. <3

WriterAgreste, over & out!

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